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A member registered Jun 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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This was horrifying. Lonely. and Overall Brain usage alot. I failed at finding my car.

Very Cute dog

This is prob one of my favs

This is awesome!

still cant wait Lmao! I loved it when I first laid eyes on the first verson

I mean isnt that how all kickstarters are lmao

Im am highly disturbed

THIS IS FANTASTIC  loveeee it cant wait for more from it

I really enjoyed the game and was intense had to pay attention to multiple things and was very fun though!

I love the graphics to it and has a great intense horror feel to it LOVED THE GAME!!!!

I loved the demo and I bet the full version will be AMAZING keep doing a great job!

For sure!

I cant wait to play this game :D

Played it and it was amazing loved all the games in the disk and all the graphics were nice and if you are having a problem with a file missing you need to save it or that worked for me.

Love horror games and love racing games BOTH? HELL YEAH. I really enjoyed playing this game and doing the missions.