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A member registered May 17, 2021

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I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!

I loved the story, very few horror games give narratives that actually adds to the experience. The visuals is a positive with exploration options in the house and the ending is captivating. I RECOMMEND THIS GAME. Try it out it's good stuff!!!

I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!

This game is truly beautiful. I want it to check every part of the areas just to see the details. And the puzzles are a lot of fun. Depending on the mirrors to know where to go next and avoiding the monsters is very clever. I liked the movements as it wasn't slow, it's a bit fast which can be good but gotta be careful to not fall down. This game is great and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND. Hope we get updates soon. Try it out it's good stuff!!

I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!!

The setup of the game is creative. I like the fact that you wander around orphanage and because your a little girl you can't run in the game. but the sounds and atmosphere is pretty scary it has some puzzles too.  I liked most of the gameplay specially the puzzles the only down side of it is not being able to run. Backtracking can be a bit rough with the slow walk. But The gameplay gives it the edge and I recommend the game. Try it out it's good stuff!!
(1 edit)

I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!!

So this experience hits home coz that's how I feel when I want to go to bed before switching all the lights off when no ones in the house. Being relatable made this experience even better with sounds being scary and hitting the points with slight jumpscares and moments that can terrify you if you look closely. I enjoyed this game and I highly recommend it. Try it out it's good stuff!!!

I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!

The game is psychological and plays the part of people trying to wake up to go by their days. But sometimes the wake isn't easy to reach as we have our own difficulties. A creepy experience that I recommend. Try the game it's good stuff! 

I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!

First I want to start with the visuals, the characters look amazing it has an anime touch and they seem lively, it has a bit of voice acting that is great touch it brings the game to life. You make decisions in the game that matters and the story is simplified but gets the job done. with quick time events and some interactions the game makes it more than a visual novel. It's a shame that's short and I just noticed the game was released in 2017!! I'm glad I play it and I Highly recommend everyone to try it it's good stuff!!
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I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!!

This game looks beautiful & colorful the 2d Run and Gun genre doesn't get enough love and this one made it a little better. There is a bit of story with the game and when you kill the enemies man its satisfying. Unfortunately the game is short this serves more like a demo and I hope we get an update soon with more levels and areas to conquer. I RECOMMEND THE GAME try it it's good stuff.

I LOVE IT!! Looking forward to the full game It's very well done.

I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!!

This is a very short Visual Novel that actually has decisions that may end badly if chose poorly. Now the characters have life which is a great touch and tests the friendship between them. All I can say is take care of your friends and everything would be alright. I RECOMMEND THIS GAME if you enjoy Visual Novels also the game has good music to enjoy.  

I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!

So at the first the game gives vibes of exploring and checking every door but with every loop you realize that's not the case. The music starts getting slower and you hear sounds with hallway getting darkened little by little that's the moment I started getting scared. Then you hear noises and you see things that makes you go crazy. That surprise oooowww boy it got me hahaha. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THE GAME. Try it out it's good stuff!!!

I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!

So the entire game is in Spanish in which I didn't mind as I know a little bit of the language. And to be honest you don't need to know the language because the game is straightforward filled with puzzles and nice visuals. It has a bit of story that makes you invested in the characters. A short experience that is chill and nice to go through serves more like a demo but if a full game comes I think I will buy it. I recommend the game try it out. It's good stuff!!!
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I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!!

You can pet the puppy (Kinda) that alone deserves recognition. I liked the story at the beginning setting the story up with what's coming up, you get to explore a little bit before the actual start of the game. The gun mechanics is satisfying when killing the bad dudes and reloading just good stuff. The atmosphere gets you in the scary mood. And the ending was satisfying I wished it lasted a bit longer with more of an explanation of the story but it gets the job done. And yea the game has checkpoints in case you die. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS GAME. Try it out it's good stuff!!

I recommend to play the Demo then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!!

Dude I just finished the game and I want to say this was a nice surprise. I want to start with the controls it's really nice even though it's retro but the character moves great. The atmosphere is scary and well done. The puzzles are fun to do and the setup being in a Japanese school just made it even better (Maybe because I love anime). I wish the experience was longer and right when it was getting good the demo ended and left me want more. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS DEMO Try it out it's good stuff!  

I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!

Well it was a blast to go into the game again, the true ending left me more perplexed than the original ending. I don't want to be inside anyones belly but nonetheless I think the game is great as I said previously I wished for an update or extra levels but I understand the developer wants to focus on making new games. Again I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THE GAME try it out! it's good stuff!

A very short experience about a kid who wants a friend FOREVER!

I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!!

This game starts creepy, you're basically in a place in the woods not knowing what to do. You start exploring and it gets creepier by the minute. Until Slender man's brother Canya Man comes out and he is on you like no one's business. I RECOMMEND THIS GAME try it out it's good stuff!!

Aww Sure I will check it out! Looking forward to your next games the music better be bumpy though hahaha!

Looking forward to the update my man! I will definitely check it out!! Good stuff as always!!

I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!!

Let me start with the positives the game is fun, it has Resident Evil vibes with fixed camera spots and monsters to kill in most areas. The shooting is satisfying and the setup is creepy and gets you in the mood. The puzzles are straight forwards and the notes gives a back story to what is happening in the game. Now some camera switches leaves the player off camera which can be annoying to not know where the player is and you may take damage if you're not prepared. Areas are different and has a good variety to it. Now the games down fall is not having checkpoint which makes takes a lot to go through specially the last areas coz it takes a long time to reach where you died which I think is a shame coz checkpoints would have made this game sooo much better. Also you got to be careful in some areas coz you may get stuck I got stuck 3 times in different areas and guess what you have to repeat from THE BEGINNING just to continue the game. Now I recommend this game if you're okay with that but keep in mind this game is challenging and it take a lot to go through but fun if you enjoy Resident Evil games.

It was a fun game I hope we get more levels!

I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!!

Very neat idea just like the title says you are Strapped & Loaded and you have to find a way out of it. The game is simple but it takes thinking to solve the puzzles. It was a fun experience it was short but I see a lot of potential in this one WE NEED MORE LEVELS! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS GAME TRY IT It's good stuff!

I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!

I love the art style it has a little retro in it. Now the setup is funny taking care of a baby is not an easy task and this game does that lol. So receiving texts was the creepiest part first it starts normal then it gets more and more scary with every text. It's a shame it was short I wish there was more to do. But overall I liked the game and I RECOMMEND YOU TO TRY IT IT'S GOOD STUFF!!

P.S. The font on this page is nice

I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!

Let me start with the setup it's creepy. When you start there is no music and you think is this suppose to happen? But then you realize YES THIS HOW IT GOES DOWN. Being lost in a nightmare is what I actually feel most of the time so it brought some real life element in the game which is always good. Now as you progress the game gets creepier and the Jumpscare OHHHHH it got me. I RECOMMEND THIS GAME Try it out it's good stuff.

I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!!

This game was mirroring my life hahahah. I wake up make coffee and get on my day and I was thinking is that me. So the setup is unique, you get to know what to do from your surrounding. slowly you get the hang of it but the ending was surprising I didn't know if I should laugh or be scared for my life.
I RECOMMEND THIS GAME. Try it it's good stuff.

Looking forward to it!!

I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!

Dude this game is so well done. The calls and voice acting added so much to the game with elements of wanting to help, doing your best to make the right decision with every call it was enticing. I was at the edge of my seat wanting to do the right thing and help everyone I can. I hope we get an update with more content. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS GAME. Try it out it's really good.

I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!!

I liked the music in the game, at first I got lost but when get to the second part you realize everything is creepy and as you discover more the messages from the captain gives a good explanation on what's going. And the monster comes at you hard. This was good stuff I wish it was a bit longer maybe with more messages and other planets to explore but so far I like it. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS GAME! Try it it's good stuff!

I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!!

wasn't expecting this to be funny, first the music is bumpy and nice like you wouldn't expect in horror games. The setup was slow but slowly the game got creepier and as I reached the end dude I was scared but then it ended. I was expecting more but so far the game has potential and I hope we see more go to different houses and meet more monsters this was good. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS GAME, try the game it's good stuff.

I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!

Talk about a surprise. Dude starting the game I thought I was mistaken and this is a good old cooking game I was enjoying that until the SHOCK!! Man the setup and the dialogue is so laidback and nice that you're not suspecting anything and then the shift by the end was so good.
I just wish the game was longer with different levels and maybe doing other recipes with the cook and visiting other areas ahh this game has alot of potential I hope we get more updates.
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THE GAME. Try it it's good stuff!!

I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!

The story in the game is nice, The voice acting added another layer for the gameplay. Now the game can be challenging but when you get the hang of it, it becomes smooth sailing. I like the setup and visuals, retro style with a touch of modern gaming. I wish the game was longer with more levels to explore.
I RECOMMEND THIS GAME. Try it out it's good stuff!


(1 edit)

I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!!

I loved this game, I've been going through horror games for a while and this game has it all. Puzzles jumpscares and horror. The fact the everything ties together was very welcomed. From the moment you start you explore and inspect things that will stay in your mind for later and I really liked that. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS GAME. Try it out it's good stuff!!

I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!!

I loved the story in the game being a paramedic trying to save lives in hard times. The concept is great with some puzzles being challenging specially the last two. It's unfortunate the game is short I would have liked it more with more areas and different puzzles coming but the game is solid. I recommend the game try it out, it's good stuff!

I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!!

Talk about a game that knows what it's doing, I always love a good puzzle and the game gives that with HORROR, looking at creepy photos trying to figure things out. Creepy clowns creeping around in the corner and you not knowing to get close or run away. The sounds are do very well and the experience is good. I just wish the game was longer with more puzzles and areas to explore. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS GAME. Try it out it's good Stuff!!!

I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!!

Wow as a visual novel fan I thought this game was fantastic!!! It's a shame that's only a demo. The story flows well and the dialogue is very intriguing. I didn't get out of it and I was focused throughout the experience. My pet peeve with VN is when a game tries to explain the scenario with the narrative which makes it quiet boring. I always thought "The game should give information with the dialogue" and that's exactly what Universe For Sale does. The visuals beautiful, Characters intriguing and sound effects/music fits the setup. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THE GAME. Try it out. It's awesome.

P.S. Can't wait for the full game..   

I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!

This is the second game I tried by Octavi and I wasn't disappointed. The point and click element with the added horror was tremendous. I loved the fact that it takes time to solve the puzzles not too easy but not hard too. The art work with the narration was on point to get me into the game. The ending was surprising as I was expecting more with more areas to explore. I enjoyed this game and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS GAME. GOOD STUFF DUDE! 

I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!

This game caught me by surprise, it has a simple concept but the gameplay is done very well. I loved the puzzles .At the start it needs a little time to get used to but then it gets good. Discovering what to do next added with detailed exploration was fun. The mechanics need a little to get used to but overall a very fun experience I wished it was longer with more rooms to explore and more puzzles. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS GAME. Try it out it's good stuff.

I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!!

I liked the retro style the game introduces. With different levels to explore and story told made it a fun experience. The controls needed a little to get used to. The enemies are alerted quick and if you're not careful you can die easily. I recommend the game. Try it it's good stuff!

I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!!

I really enjoyed the game, I think the 2d concept have been abandoned for a while and to add the horror element to it made it even better. The puzzles are fun and everything you do matters. Trying to figure things out and put things together was really good i just hoped the game was longer with several locations to discover. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS GAME. Try it it's good stuff.