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A member registered Feb 28, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks for checking out the game! Yeah I originally had the toggle spring mechanic in there and it was super fun to be honest, but it ended up making the platforming too easy so I ended up taking it out. I’m thinking about putting it back in when the jam ends as well as making the dialogue skippable since I know it’s a lot of dialogue. Thanks so much for playing and the useful feedback!

This game is pretty sweet, nice job!

This is definitely one of my favorite art styles in the game jam.  The art and atmosphere I thought looked great. It's a short little experience, but I thought it was super immersive.

Awesome job :)

This is a pretty awesome first game, I like the art in it. The platforming can get a little finicky at times but overall, pretty solid.

This game is super cool! I love eerie art style and the color choices. It's crazy how you were able to make something like this in only a week, that's amazing! It's such a cool concept and the difficulty is just hard enough to keep my focused. Overall, awesome game :)

Yeah, there's a way to open the door.

(1 edit)

Haha! I’m so glad you liked it, it’s my first time doing any sort of level designing and I had a lot of fun with it, good job on finishing it and thanks for playing!