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A member registered Jan 21, 2018 · View creator page →

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Yea, that's probably the reason. The game is really good and I really want to keep playing. I'll try updating my system then! 

Yea, I get the exact same message too when I try to save or change my settings. Maybe it's because I'm using a Mac tho, what are you using?

Well I'm using a Mac OS 10, so maybe that's the problem.... I tried saving from the lady behind the receptionist's counter where she asks you if you want to save. I'm sorry if I'm being a bother, but I've tried playing it without saving but died almost immediately and had to go through the entire introduction again...

Hi! This game is really cool and amazing, but for some reason I can't save at the save point. I pressed all the keys on my keyboard, and most of them didn't work but the few that were used for the game only emitted that dull beep and nothing was saved. I've tried all the keys on my keyboard and even clicking on the file I want to save on with my mouse.... and when I went to keyboard configuration it just gave me a line of code and said there was an error.. Please help..!