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A member registered Aug 08, 2021

Recent community posts

Would love to see dome Frieren or Kochou Shinobu

Where can I get the Lucille Christmas outfit? The nobleman at the bar doesnt have it.

I dont get how the soul catcher ring works? Do I click randomly whenver they appear?

I think they have potential, hololive is rarely touched. Would say that one position per app and only one outfit is a bit limited though. Still im looking forward to other girls you decide to make.

Is it possible to combine all chloe stuff together?

Wow that was really fast!

Would love to see Noel next

It says Ive done all Mikosh's quests but going to unison streets wont trigger anything.

Having the same problem as you, did you get it figured out?

Are the kitchen quickies available?

I encountered a small bug where everytime I went to the kitchen in the morning I got the Izanami and Tsukiko cooking scene and couldnt interact with who was there. Also I tried to download the installer and I could never get past downloading cleo scene, forever stuck at 29%.

Hi, I got to the end of the build, but Im still missing the 2nd cadet and sam scene. Do they come later or am I missing something?

Rtx 1080 and i7 7th gen processor.  I assume its renpy? Most renpy games I play work fine, the game folder looks a lot messier compared to others. No offense haha

Unfortunately that didnt fix the problem :( , sad cause this game looks grea

I get this message when I launch the game.

No, its actually different. My bad

(1 edit)

I'm also getting this bug too, but at game boot up.

How do I start the Morati freedom quest

I started a new game for 3.5 and I cant unlock the prophecy scene that comes from looking into the door. was it removed?

Will Tatsumaki get different scenes, I feel like hers are all very similar

When I try to set any girl to be my alarm, the game just replays Asme's kitchen scene

New here, so are all of these updates added to the 2019 public demo or on your patreon