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A member registered Jun 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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The art is incredible! Very fun and expressive and sets the tone beautifully!

I also love the puns throughout. 'Gname' and 'Saucery' are incredible, along with all 'The Whey' abilities? Genius (Gnenius?) :D

I'll have to give it a play soon, and try to figure out where all the cheese has gone!

They're the same game!

The graphic design of this is so varied and so thematic! I love the clear seperations between sections that it gives, and the atmosphere within! I think my only request is that some are slightly harder to read - such as the Sparking Grounds.

Haven't given all the sections a shot yet, but there's so much here to begin sparking off of to build something of your own, or provide good structure if you're uncertain where to start.

The calendar at the end is also so useful - I ended up printing a copy and then writing some of my own additional festivals on it, as it looks better than my old tables :P

The graphic design is Gorgeous! And I love the layers of content - I've already pulled some of the spoils and NPCs into my current game, and I'm hoping to use them to build into some of the scores here.

A game that I love to just return to every so often, as I love making the tea and figuring out what's happening, high high rec!

I just played through for the first time and I really enjoyed it! The perfect balance of enabling you to write your own story and engage with the mechanics, without relying purely on tables or just making it all up yourself.

Loved how the cards were weaved in, and really liked the way the mechanics worked! 

Had _atrocious_ luck the first two rounds, with a low virtue and high vice, but came in clutch with the last round and the final resolution draw - but the story of my Semiotician is definitely one that's going to be going around my head until I play again and tell up something new to replace it!