Began playing this on stream and knowing that stans for this game go hard: we dropped out of this game early on because of using cross-dressing as a punchline and romancing an underage person. Additionally, the "rules of the world" kept getting broken every other scene and we had a difficult time suspending disbelief long enough to really get invested in the story.
I'm sure the game has redeeming qualities. People seem to be all in on this title. It was just a miss for us.
I never felt like Lucette got better; she'd have brief moments of self-awarness that seemed fleeting at best. While the mama trauma was well done, I'll give the game that, Lucette coming to the realization that her mom wasn't the best was painful.
Delora was pretty much the only character I liked. Generally the sane voice in the room. Parfait as her counter-part worked well. I genuinely enjoy how the two played off each other well. But that's about the end of the positives I found in the game.
To each their own. Glad people are finding it enjoyable but don't think we'll be coming back to this one to finish it.