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A member registered Dec 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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man I re read this vn last night on my phone
and I jUST noticed the Weezer poster in Mikey's room


i also wonder when

Will a mac port ever happen? my windows computer barely can run a nes game and i have a macbook pro i got at a garage sale for 10 buck

i can make better wall designs than this and i dont even know what im doing

wtf is this game haha

damn i hope theres a demo that can be on mac

my windows laptop runs anything like shit

hahaha i frogot their name but somebody in this looks like my character

it had a e with the squiggle over it tho

half black and half white

love this

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i would kill for a route for the shark

i may or may not have forgotten his name 

was it russel.. russal???

anyways hes adorable. i love him.

thank you for creating this vn

edit: Russell

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a trick i learned from mii maker

did you know that the eyes are they eyebrows and the eyebrows are the eyes

MORBIN TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i like the style of this game

i made a goober

i love the goober

this looks soooooooo good!


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what if it had a like insult mode
or where it called you names and claimed the plyers part as the game
like for example it could say
Hands off my cock
and call the player slut or pet (or other things)
i may say though this is fun

thank you lol

i know this was months ago but what line do i change?

that player is familiar
it looks like the Dere games player sprite