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But Wholesome Games

A member registered Apr 13, 2023 · View creator page →

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I'm sorry, we never meant to hurt or trigger anyone! 

In the game there are referenced and discussed some ethical and philosophical points raised in Zizek's works, (and personally both of us devs do enjoy some of his works ourselves), but we never mean to share any. . . questionable, troublesome, bigoted or problematic views he might have. 

If his mentions are indeed a trigger to you, you probably shouldn't play the game! . . I believe that other than that there isn't supposed to be anything queerphobic. 

sure! you can also share on our Discord, we really appreciate fanarts and are happy to get them! 

extended edition soon wink wink nudge nudge 

Hi! Thank you for your kind words!

We have a Discord server where we post fanart and talk to the players:


spoilers below elaborating on that

no not really? in one instance you can make your priest not report you to authorities for committing murder

in the other you save a teenager from existential despair by looking into his soul and help him remember the joy in his life

sure, go for it <3 

(1 edit)


spoilers! yes you can

there's a hidden evil substat and you need 2 evil points
first evil point you get from murdering the pizza delivery guy

second evil point you can get by calling scam emails amazing during week 12 

you also need potence+minions > 12
you get 3 minions for one 'summon minions' and one potence for lazying around during weekend activities

hope that helps! 

It should be unarchived by default in "game/audio" folder (windows version)

¡Hola! Gracias por sus amables palabras. 

Para vencer a Chtulhu, necesitas tener 'La Orden Divina' == 100 y tener >15 (¿o 12? no recuerdo que hubo cambios de balance) en potencia+súbditos (un 'holgazanear' da una potencia, un 'invocar súbditos' da 3 súbditos). 

Espero que te sirva de ayuda. 

La traducción al español está hecha con DeepL así que disculpas por cualquier error. 


Hello! Thank you for your kind words. 

To beat Chtulhu, you need to have 'The Divine Order' == 100 and have >15 (or 12? I don't remember there were balance changes) in potence+minions (one 'lazing around' gives one potence, one 'summon minions' gives 3 minions). 

Hope that helps! 

Spanish translation is made with DeepL so apologies for any mistakes. 

As some players requested, we have set up a Discord server and will post announcements and news here:

Alright I think I made one... 

You can join here!

well-- we suppose we will make one soon, as some players have been asking us about it! we will let you know ASAP :D

no -- if your Arcane is less than 25, none of these events happen

don't level "the Arcane" -- neither "The Divine Order" nor "The Abyss"

Ah, hmm alright! 

You can do it if your project is non-commercial (i.e. not a paid game) and that you credit us somewhere in your game (just a line 'the character X is a reference to Y' or smth is enough). 

Thank you for your understanding, hope that's a satisfactory answer! 

hey! are you using Win or MacOS version? 
I believe this is a problem with your .zip extraction

Here's an official Microsoft support link please see if that might help you? 

sorry but it's English only for now! 

Hey! Please elaborate further on the nature of your project! If that's a secret, you can email the details to

Generally we don't have issues as long as proper credit is provided but we'd like to know more before we agree! Ty!

(1 edit)

  1. If Humanities = 100: unlocks "Get into crypto" during week 19 choice. It passes the check.
  2. If STEM + Humanities + Art and culture ≥  90: unlocks "Get into merch" during week 19 choice. It passes the check.
    1. Warning! Choosing to use unethical production from cheap overseas labor gives you -1 relationship with Theo penalty.
  3. If you have social media presence and prestige ≥  5: unlocks "Get into streaming" during week 19 choice. It passes the check.
  4. If you chose "They're inspiring" when reacting to spam emails during week 12: unlocks "Get into cyberscams" during week 19 choice. 
    1. Warning! Cyberscams add an evil point and block good human end as well as True End. But it passes the check.
    2. Warning! Using "Use social media" weekend activity after choosing cyberscams gives -1 prestige penalty instead of +1 prestige as usual.
  5. "Get into bank robberies" is always present.
    1. If you are already on probation, you'll need Pantheon reputation ≥ 5 to survive attempted bank robbery. If not, you survive anyway.
    2. During week 21, there's a check Pantheon reputation ≥ 8. If you pass the check, Caishen will lend you some money.
    3. If you fail to get money from Caishen,  during week 24, you need ≥ 3 successful followers to donate to you.

ok tell you what

message us at with what assets you want, i'll share the unarchived version

well i mean if it's for personal use----

then you can google 'ren'py dearchive' for example the UnRen tool

well to get the Death ending, it doesn't matter how you resolve your money issue 

on weekends make sure to allow acoite to "laze around" regularly 
"grant its wish and hope it leaves you alone" (pizza delivery) 
"channel the power of the undead" (for the girl with a huge backpack's wish) 
upgrade insight to 35 
"agree" (certainly a lich) 
upgrade soul navigation to 30 
"deny your connection" (after first time meeting death) 
upgrade compassion to 50 
"give mental health advice" (filmmaker) 
upgrade the abyss or "the divine order" to "25" 
"refuse" (chtulhu)  

i believe that the rest doesn't matter and does not affect it in any way

but! if you get the Pantheon reputation < 7 but you're not on probation (you haven't killed the pizza delivery guy) so after a failed bank robberiy you're not immediately banished by Basilicus Solis) you go to the Heavens and try to get financial help from Caishen and fail (week 21), you get another extra scene with Death next week titled 'Solitude' 

then money check can be passed by having successful followers > 3

OH OH when Theo asks about Death you also need to 'deny your connection'. please see if that helps!

hey hey hey

they kiss in the True End

(1 edit)

beware spoilers below

you need divine order == 100 and potence + minions > 10 and choose "From the knowledge of the divine" to beat cthulhu; you get 1 potence point for lazing around once and 3 minions for every minion summon

alternatively you can have the abyss == 100 and potence + minions > 10 and choose "From the unknowability of the abysmal"; this, however, locks you out of the true end

thanks?. . .

you need to have potence + minions >15 (1 'laze around' gets you 1 potence, one 'summon minions' gets you 3 minions - and 'masking as human' during laptop shopping consumes 1 potence) 

the divine order == 100 and choose 'with the power of the divine' during the figh

if that doesn't work, check that you're playing the most up-to-date build!

mhm, that's the thing - he wasn't aware of it but because of the way he is, he acted in accordance to the requirements (well, he acted like he is, sort of in a blind test way - the doylist reason for that is because I wanted him to). 

and we... never thought about running a Discord server, to be honest because we never expected people to be interested much? but if there's an interest, we can certainly try to! 

Hi! Sure, we would be honored to have our games translated! 

Please contact me either on Discord (mlkrn) or via email (

Thank you!

(1 edit)

hey! well, that's massive spoilers (also, death of the author applies if anyone wishes to interpret it differently) but what our writer meant by this is:

spoilers below

Yes, Theo never explicitly prayed to Acoite. The reason Theo summoned Acoite in the first place was his own trial by the Divine Order: as a candidate for the god of clarity, he needed to prove that he's not... influenced by cognitive biases. So, he never acts on the desire of keeping desiring and on the yearning for something that was never real in the first place; that's why the player can fail his ascension requirements by explicitly using Acoite's powers on his mind and mess up with his mind and perception. 

A small detail but you can notice Theo's not influenced by nostalgia when Acoite asks him what he'd like to do or what are his favorite places - even though he loves France, his home country, and old videogames, he wants to travel to East Asia and he quickly finds new favorite places across town, too. 

That's why the True End is this: their relationship properly works if they like each other as individuals, and can't influence each other using divine powers (because otherwise..... there's some unspoken power imbalance, y'know!). 

(fun fact, it's never said in-text but I thought the events of the game happen... in some fictional version of Seattle). 

hope that satisfies your curiousity!

ohhhhhhhhhhh omg please send pics tag us on xwitter this is so excitng!!

ahhhh well

as of now . . . it does not exist on mobile we're very sorry!

P. S. Steam offers recommended regional prices so it's gonna be ~25% cheaper in pesos than in US dollars if your Steam account is not registered as NA/EU since ugh NA/EU are, of course, the most expensive regions

weeeeeeell -- suppose we ain't this popular (yet)! but if anyone wants to make fan stuff, they have our full permission, go wild, write your smutty fanfiction and lewdy fanart, make us a fan wiki and a TVTropes page LMAO

hey! we're very happy and honored to hear you're willing to support us further! 

initial plan is 10 USD for the game and smth like 20 USD for a deluxe edition (with bonus artbook and stuff) + we hope to be able to offer physical merch for extra price but it's not confirmed yet! 

beware spoilers ahead

Firstly, if you outright refuse their request, they'll leave on a more hopeful note; 

And, if acoite's insight is 35 or higher OR his affinity to "the abyss" 10 or higher (which can only be unlocked if acoite was a bad kitty on day 6 and (murdered the pizza guy) is currently on godly probation) then you can actually talk to lich a little further without making them cry; 


thank you ebi! 

you need divine order 100 and potence + minions 10 to beat cthulhu; you get 1 potence point for lazing around once and 3 minions for every minion summon

so true fr fr