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A member registered May 11, 2023

Recent community posts

Since my upload photos is being retarded I can't send a screenshot

Ill describe it to you its in the goddess sanctuary on the left what do i do for that puzzle?

it's the latest version of the game though it's the sanctuary statue puzzle I'm stuck on

How do I get to the goddess

Which one should be pointing right in the sanctuary

Im stuck in the temple with the statues after I put the golem heart on the altar

What altar is the golem heart talking about?

It just has a loading screen what did I do wrong

We can wait as long as it takes we know the wait will be worth it

Will It ever be free?

Android port?

Android port?

Android port?

Will there be an android port?

It says your the author though

Android port?

Ah ok


Android port

Android port?

could you make chica's night 2 minigame easier I can't beat it

ok thanks

oh OK so why can you pick up objects after night 3 ends?

ok thanks for letting me know and what is up with the night 3 minigame?

I can't access night 5 WTF?

(1 edit)

And it only has golden freddy on it

foxy bonnie chica foxy

FNIA Pixel Panic: community · Created a new topic Night 5

I can't access night 5 and I used the code mangle gave me