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A member registered Jul 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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Yes, and sorry for not replying. I don't check my emails that often. But yes, it happens immediately (crashed)after I clicked the 3rd option.

Here are some errors I found: Extimated->Estimated, desrepair->disrepair, and I don't understand this sentence, "...explain to you your mansions." Maybe you meant, "...tell you more about the mansion." or " to you your room." or something like that. Chimney->Fireplace, " no avail."->"...but to no avail"

Oh, so it works like that? Well, I'm very sure the 3rd ending triggered because I collected 15... ahh I don't wanna spoil it but at first, I didn't manage to get 15, so maybe that's why I didn't get 3rd ending. 

And when I clicked the 3rd ending, the game crashes.

(1 edit)

I'm stuck after playing for 50 mins. I already used the gramophone but I couldn't do anything beyond that. Help, please. It's a nice game, with some grammar errors at the beginning (I wish can do something about that).

Edit: Nevermind, I figured out I needed a rope. Plus, I think I broke the game because there's a 3rd choice at the end (I played the game again, at first there are just 2 choices). I forgot to take a screenshot sorry.