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A member registered Jun 07, 2020

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(1 edit)

EDIT: So happy to see this game back up! I hope in the future this gives it the recognition it deserves, especially since the Roblox port is going viral and people are praising it. Very proud of the creator for allowing people to experience this twisted tale.

I'm upset that I had to play a Roblox port and then watch playthroughs of the original game in order to see what it was. It would've been so much better to experience it raw and first hand.

There's no denying this game presents an extremely sensitive topic, and it's made so impactful by the fact that you literally play as a short little girl, only reaching just barely the height of the table.

I had already made guesses as to what the scenario could be, cause it was very clear it wasn't the case of a child being protected from a harsh wasteland. But actually experiencing it unfold in front of your eyes is an entirely different feeling. To some people, like me, not even anticipating the worst prepares me for it.

But that doesn't mean it has to be shunned for what it gives the player. Yes, it does leave you feeling gross, disgusted, even sick to your stomach if you're extremely sensitive. But that's the point. You're being presented with a story of an event that should never be recreated or witnessed in real life. You are being told of a lifestyle that can really happen in the world. To some people, it's a chance to look through the eyes of a person who's had similar experiences to the girl, and that can really open your eyes and change your view.

I do understand why this was taken down, as without proper warning this must've definitely triggered a good handful of people, that and apparently the creators were being accused of enjoying the topics being presented, which is such a wild accusation to make towards an artist, but I still think it should be told, experienced, and set as a decent example of a more extreme story horror game.