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A member registered Oct 09, 2021

Recent community posts

Hey David, nice game, can I suggest a few improvements to make it better?

- Display how many times it took to guess the number

- Maybe you should make the game more humble and display the "I'm the best" message if you get it in 3 tries or less, maybe even 1?

- What happens if it takes you more than 5 tries, maybe the game should admit defeat or say something quirky?

- There is no music or sound

- The icon is the default unity one, maybe you could create a custom one?

(2 edits)

Re, the previous comment: Looks like it's the ship hitting the cursor.

First of all, great job David, the game looks nice and the gamplay idea seems fun!

I did get bored very fast after a while, can I suggest a few ideas to make it more enjoyable?

- The game feel claustrophobic with the size of the ships and the obstacles, maybe making them smaller (both the ships and the obstacles) would make for a better gameplay?

- The progress is erased the moment I restart my game, with something like flappy bird there's a leaderboard and personal best

- Minor pet peeve: the game icon is the unity one, maybe you can create a custom one?


- I find it weird that I die if I hit my mouse cursor, in my mind this is an unexpected behaviour that breaks the immersion

- Sometimes I spawn to close to an obstacle and I have no time to react before I die

-- Something like a countdown timer of 3 seconds or show the screen state and start only if I press something. Alternatively you can update the code to not spawn everything in a certain radius?

Hey David,

I tried playing the game but I die at random times, and I don't know why.

I'm not hitting any red circles or planes but it seems like there's an invisible wall or something like that? Maybe the borders are not calculated correctly?