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A member registered Sep 24, 2023

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Yeah, same issue with the priestess game. Its probably from me but its definetly has to do with the engine.

How can I fix this?

It doesnt go away after clicking start either. Nor after clicking or righ clicking on it. I had same issue on previous version. Could play only online version.

It spoils is what I meant. Didnt want to be rude. Maybe there could be something to prevent spoiling, so that kind of mission is still possible maybe.

It wouldnt be applicable to the higher dificulties, also not realistic.

It'd be cool as heck. I avoided tough Lona build precisely because all h content is tied to losing and slavery. Romantic options would not only fix this, but also make it more rewarding to not lose and get rpd.

Do you know if it can still be found?

Am i the only one that is really put of by the look of the belly when you're filled? It doesnt look bloated, it looks weird. It looks like fat thats melting.

I dont mind the debuff, but that thing just makes me go into camp, do the whole scene, then leave camp, so 2 loading screens, just so I dont look like that.

What? Is the scene still in the game? I never saw it.

An ability to dance or seduce your enemies would be cool I think.

That would be really cool.

I love the sex doll and whore outfits, but they do not help you at all with the succubus build, only thing they help you with, as all things that increase sexiness, is prostitution and dancing. It doesnt make the opponents hornier in battle, only weakness does that.

Piercing are very important to increase weakness, but they attract aggro in every inn, so you need to cover them up, which both of costumes do not do.

They are  pricey, you need to equip and de-equip them very often and thats just not fun.

I wish sexiness and these costumes would, if not help you, not make it harder to play. Sex doll outfit doesnt let you equip basically any weapon or shield, and whore outfit doesnt have any defence.