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A member registered Feb 07, 2022

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I mean I've been in contact with a few friends of mine on the topic , one of them has Windows 7 atm and he said he already has DirectX 11 but the OS is uncapable of running it with v10.0 , our other friend diagnosed it as "old lol" , so basically Windows 7 is the main issue.

(Side note : his gpu is capable of running it but again OS limitations)

(1 edit)

Nope , I believe Windows XP and Windows 7 in particular aren't compatible with DirectX 11 v10.0 which is required in order to run the game (because of the engine). 

Edit : That means it probably wont work :p

I've been trying to make a non DS PSX classic controller work with BBPSX aaaand to my surprise it did take a while . I've been trying some suggestions in the community posts but none of them worked , mainly talking about the steam general controller settings thing , since it didnt work the way it was supposed to because the PSX classic controller doesn't have any support in there.
So I found an easier solution which is just downloading AntiMicro (link : ,  it's a program used to map keyboard buttons and mouse controls to a gamepad , so you can just bind anything from the keyboard and mouse to the controller/gamepad buttons.

(Side note : Y'all remember when I said this game isn't hard , the difficulty just got 10 times harder because I'm playing on a controller might just be me tho xd)

Yeah , known bug , just unequip the sidearm and then level. (Haven't found any other way around this)

Well that's a bit dissapointing , I hope there will be a way to get the actual difficulty going. I assume this also has to do with the current AI in the demake since I feel like it can get a bit buggy at times.

First I just want to say that I have not played the original Bloodborne on ps4 , but the demake feels particulary easier than I expected it to be. I was really hoping the legendary most difficult soulsborne of the series would be uh well more difficult. Can someone that has played the original game give me an opinion on the topic?

(Side note : I think it's a tidy bit easy because I've kinda gotten through all bosses first try and also the only soulsborne game I've played *before this demake I guess* is Sekiro)