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Brunsoerger Manoa

A member registered May 21, 2023

Recent community posts

I want this! Not the end of September 2023, yet, it is crazy!



How make my random level in the Random Mode JSP?

I gonna sleep on USA 15:00 but me i'm in europe so in 22:00.

and i can't create a account from website to the game!

(1 edit)

Hey! i have a question SWA! Why i have this update coming?

The version don't have a last version of your game, Please you can make a BBY5B with version 1.0?

No, don't me is JSP make a may test build for android macOS lunix and android,

I don't know

Why the alarm sound start forever?

ah, when you playing in broswer on this game, is give V2.2.9 version.....

Alt+F4 to close this game

in 15:28PM...

No, i 7am i'm in europe...

Yes, but it's the version V2.3 again...

I'm so happy the new schoolhouse coming in one day!!!

The 12 june, is my party! befores the computer makes end of support is 1 more day in 21H2....

No, i'm europe, Sorry :(.

I know he's not find the page but is fake link,

My game baldi farvoite is Baldi's Fun New School Uktimate Edition !

Me too, i gonna sleeping in 20:50

I'm enter 0000 but nothing's happen on the computer....

The glitches his username says "Deleted Post"

The version next update is V2.3.1

Baldi is pink now (laughs)

JSP, I'm log in is many days i'm not log in....