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A member registered 80 days ago · View creator page →

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That's a great game, congrats!
Just some minor details: the music was slightly covering voices, and I was struggling to understand the temporality of the vocal message. Was it taking place before, or after the main story?

About terminal illnesses, your novel reminds Narcissu a lot! It's an old VN about chronical illness and choosing where to die when it's just not bearable at home or in the hospital. just like yours!

The overall ambiance was really nice! I especially liked the GUI and how we're grasping bit by bit infos about their relationship and how they used to live. Loved all the little details about tea and tea cups too!

Thank you! The expressions was an important point of the whole story indeed. For the text effects, that was something I really wanted to use and that I had in mind since the beginning of the development!

Thank you for playing!! And yes, the mother was totally made to be as despicable as possible

Thank you so much for your really kind review! :)
I'm glad that you noticed the father's eye color!

Thank you for playing! :)
The glitch effect was something that I planned since the beginning, I'm happy with how it turned out!

Hey, thank you for playing! I'm really glad that you liked the faces expressions, that was something that I wanted to emphasize! :)

Thank you!! This is my first game, so I'm quite happy with how it turned out!
I really liked your entry too! :)

Thank you so much for your kind review! I'm glad you liked it :)