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A member registered Jan 07, 2024

Recent community posts

Played up till current mission, completed it, but theres no gallery avialavle as far as i know? And when i pressed q on the map to get the gallery it wont let me access it. I cant enter it to see or do anything it just stays in the world map

Id love one too so i can support but i dunno how theyd make it happen from keyboard :(

??? Got notified this got an uodate yesterday but im not seeing anything different did something happen?

Holy hell, ive followed like 11 different devs and downloaded games from them that are smaller than yours and they dont update anywhere near as frequently as you, youre a productivity monster and i mean that in the best possible way.

Are there any plans to make an android port? Dont have another type of device and i love corruption games and genre. :)

I definitely want to support as the game looks fantastic but I only have an android phone at the moment. :( are there any plans for an android port by any chance?