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A member registered May 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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and then a small skull to add to the graveyard because it's cute and small

a tree that is 700x700px made by me in photoshop

here is my bush... that is 500x500px for aesthetics

second fence for graveyard

a rock to place and have for environment 200x200px 

fence created for enviroment 500x500px

river asset of 4 frames used to create movement. 2000x1000px source for water for the player

gravestone three of three 700x700px

gravestone two of three for the graveyard 700x700px

grave stone one of three created in photoshop 700x700px

completed graveyard background with transparent edges for better blending with grass background 1500x1000px

completed mountain background for player to find snow

 made cauldron sprite used on UI menu for player to mix ingredients

(2 edits)

Made background of grass, make mini cauldron sprite, make rock background.