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A member registered Sep 15, 2021

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Forgot to drop this here! Loved the game!
Here! Have some playthrough in spanish!

Great game! Short and sweet! Really enjoyed Ruby's animations!
Here, have some gameplay in spanish!

Hey! It's been a while! But here's another take on AI Asylum! I really like how anyone can create any wierd character with this! I really hope this gets more attention so the game can keep growing!
Here's my playthrough! It's in Spanish, but with SUBTITLES!!

Loved this game! It's a short and really sweet experience.
Here! Take some gameplay, in spanish (english subtitles available! ❤)

Forgot to drop this here! Hope you enjoy, it's in spanish but with english subtitles 😉

I really liked it! I mean, as a spanish speaker it was really easy, but it was short and sweet!

Here's the gameplay! Take it! I insist!

I really liked the concept of this game! It's weird and random,  and it gave me a couple of good laughs! Here's my take on it! In spanish tho 

Love the game, really excited for the full release!

I played the demo some time ago! Here's my take on it! In spanish tho

Short and sweet! This was great and also funny!

Here's some gameplay! In spanish

This game gave me the chills! It took a while before I understood where to find the stuff, so I just had to take a big walk. Some visual guidance might be useful!

Here's my playthrough! In spanish tho!

Hey! Played it some time ago! I kinda enjoyed it, but couldn't get to end it! I really think you should be able to pick up more than 1 item at the time! I just missed the boarded door! I wish there was some visual guidance! Hope you find the feedback useful!

Here's my playthrough! In spanish tho!

Hey played this game a while ago! I think there might be some things to improve, for example the 5 seconds music loop. Perhaps you could have some visual guidence to find the bodies more easily! I spent almost 20 minutes running around town, and there's nothing to do, Frosty doesn't even kill you. 😅

Hope you find this feedback useful! Here's my playthrough! It's in spanish tho!

Yo! Played this game some time ago! It's really short and sweet! I just wish the ending had a little more! But it was great anyways! Managed to give me the chills!

Here! Have some gameplay in spanish!

Played this some time ago! It's really great how much it manages to get on your nerves in such a short game! Really enjoyed it! 

Here! Have some gameplay! In spanish tho

Loved this game! It's so simple yet so unnerving!
Here! Have some gameplay in Spanish! :)

Yo! Loved this game! It's got a great atmosphere and it's short and sweet!

Here! Have some gameplay in spanish!

Loved the game! Really kept me on the edge of the chair with its ambience!

Here, have some gameplay, it's in spanish tho!

I played this game more than a year ago, and never got to edit the recording!

I saw it back recently and got a lot of memories from this great game!

Hope you enjoy this gameplay, it's in spanish

Played this video a while ago and got really scared!

Recommended to play or watch with earphones on!

Here's some gameplay! In spanish tho!

Recently played the christmas special and it's nuts! I'm really expecting great things from chapter 2!
Have some spanish gameplay!

I'm really happy I found this gem before chapter 2 is out! I'm really excited for it, and I hope it's released soon!

Here's some gameplay in spanish! Hope you enjoy!

🥰 I'll just keep uploading videos, it's really fun because there's infinite possible scenarios! Great work guys! I hope the game keeps evolving! There's a lot of potential

Playing out some characters! Hope you enjoy!

Here's a video where I created a character called Chikapu (it's in spanish with subtitles)

Also here's my creations:
- Chikapu: You have to convince Chikapu to charge your phone battery, the only problem is that he hates humanity and wants to kill all humans
- GENSHINFAN#1: she only plays and talks about Genshin Impact, yet you have to convince her to play any other game

Hope you enjoy them!

Recently played this game, and WOW! Loved the story and the aesthetics! Really enjoyed it!

Here, have some gameplay in spanish!

Loved this game! Really got me overthinking about what was gonna happen!
Here's some playthrough (in spanish tho)

Funny Game! Loved it!
Here's some playthrough in spanish!

Now I have to play the Vermander dude game (:

Here's some gameplay in spanish!

Got me scared from the first floor... Great game tho.. Here's some gameplay (in spanish)

It's great what you managed to create! I hope this is just a starting step for what is to come! Really loved it!
Here's some gameplay, in spanish tho

This game made me poop in my pants

Here's my playthrough, it's in spanish tho

Really liked this game! Really excited for the next version!

Here's my playthrough! It's in spanish tho!

Short and really nice! Here's some gameplay in spanish! Hope you like it!

(3 edits)

Really nice and short scary game! It has a great atmosphere! I hope you keep on making great games! Here's my playthrough, it's in spanish, but translated it in the video!

Great slasher kind of game! Really enjoyed it!

Here's my playthrough! It's in spanish though, but managed to translate it on the video!

Great game, has some great scary moments, and a lot of funny wtf moments! Keep at it!
Here's my playthrough, it's in spanish, also managed to translate it on the video. 

This game is amazing! If you love Jojo and you love Dark Souls, definitely don't miss this game. Is short, is fun and full of Jojo references

Here's my gameplay, it's in spanish! I hope you enjoy

I really need to understand what is going on, HALP

Awesome game, gave me some good scares

Here's my reaction, it's in spanish, also I managed to translate some of the game audios on the subtitles

Hope you enjoy it!