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A member registered Jun 14, 2019

Recent community posts

Is it possible to avoid having a harem? It's not my sort of thing but I find the storyline and Dice especially hilarious.

btw man I mean this in the best way possible but you are an extremely active developer I feel blessed to have found your work. I hope  you had a wonderful weekend!

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Can I spare Cassie and have Eve exclusively? Because boi right now I'm nervous about a death..
To Clarify I hate harems but I prefer Eve and I want to be exclusive WITHOUT Cassie dying or being hurt.

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I don't understand why there is such a difference between male and female eyes size it'd be fine if both genders had larger eyes or both had normal but them both being different mildly confuses me and bothers me. It makes me curious about different biological differences.... Story wise great game.

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I don't care for harems but I love political intrigue and Valentina would make a fine wife. I'm avoiding everything Harem I can.

To Clarify the political intrigue has me in love with the game.