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A member registered Jul 05, 2019

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(1 edit)

This is a fantastic tool for learning GDScript and coding in general!

One issue I have: it might not be feasible, but it would be nice if things we are explicitly asked to create are not hard-coded elsewhere in the program such that we have to be precise with our naming.

For example, in practice 5.2 Drawing Multiple Squares we are told to create a function called  "draw_three_squares". In the context of the course at this point, we should be able to call it "drawThreeSquares()" or "draw_3_squares()" or "feed_me_cookies()" and the function should still execute - all of which meet the parameters of the quiz question we had just been given.

Instead we are given a not-very-helpful error.

In the version on this page, it simply says "did you not call draw_square()?" which is incorrect because we did call draw_square(), just not in a function explicitly labeled "draw_three_squares()"

The error is slightly more helpful at the version here, but largely insinuates a typo or syntax error which "blames" the user for something they did not do incorrectly.

To the learner at this point, we should have no reason to believe that when we are defining a function ourselves, the name needs to be an exact match to the instructions. 


thanks for the comment! I had a lot of fun playing with the "Only One" idea in the music. Only One note for most of it. Then, when it is more than one note, each note moves by only One semi-tone or One whole-tone. Also played around with removing One note at a time from the phrasing of the rhythms.

Did I need to do it this way? Definitely not

Did it make it fun and challenging to work on the music? Heck yeah 馃榾