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Braven Bit Software

A member registered Nov 02, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you for your comment, Ty.

While developing this game, i focused mainly on the details and audio. The result was a pleasant experience that combines gameplay and music to make it a nice and thrill little game!

- Braven Bit Games

Oh boi it has bugs, i don't think you can even die, and i don't know if i am able to pass through that barrier or not. Bad stuff covered, now to the good stuff about the game: Everything else. You have no idea how happy i am to find out that your game actually has music, and sound effects for the vast majority of actions! I also liked the physics and the art style, and it fits the theme perfectly! The only thing i wish you had done better is definately make potions break or something like that.

Loved it! The graphics are just outstanding, specially for a jam game. The focus on details and special effects really adds to the already good atmosphere, and the whole idea is plain and simple, which is good! To be honest i don't think it's a game i'd play for long, i think the enemies are quite repetitive, but the other aspects of the game outshine this small thing by far. Great game overall!

The concept is somewhat original from my point of view, and i loved the gameplay overall. It reminds me of the good ole GTA games for the PS1, and the small world reminds me of Spore. I just didn't like the gun sound, it's extremely annoying, but it's a neat game!

I didn't get where's the "You are the monster" part, and it saddens me that the only thing you can do is move a slider, but i gotta give you some credit for the art, the atmosphere was nice (i love black and white pixel art) and the background color transition is a cool little detail i guess.