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A member registered Jan 03, 2021

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(1 edit)

A good run. ( balanced AI )

1. In the early game, T1 upgrades ( Eg: Chanting ) are better than T2 ( Eg: Networking ).
2. Don't bother with love upgrades until late game ( 5 days to game over ) or you have lots of people ( 6 digits ).
3. In mid game ( 12-6 days to game over ), T2 people and money upgrades have nearly equal importance but money is slightly more more important.
4. If you clear the debt on bank account day, you will win if you spam upgrade T2 love.


additional reaction does not work, i can't buy it

keep output above events broke

2-3 days, i took breaks


also i got a crypto price of $5

add auto saving please 

the message i got after thinking is all things will come to an end, before the end live your life and don't do something you will regret

i got chopped down

bug has been fixed

needs saving

there is also a bug with the gun where if you kill a mob and your mouse is hovering another mob, the gun will not fire ( basically if there is a mob that touches another mob and you kill one and move to the other mob, the gun will not fire )

how to survive

the ablities need hotkeys also

life lesson, war never pays for both sides

the game crashing bug might have something to do with monster spawns as the bug is random

all you need to do is fix the game crashing bug then it will be great

fixes for a while then crashes

nvm it has been fixed

have you bought 3 other items?

idea for solution, use buttons to select the building

might be because you never coded the sliding bar in gem shop properly, so it crashed

there is a game crashing bug

i bought gem mine then after a round the game crashed

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