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A member registered Jun 01, 2022

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(3 edits)

I loved this and it left me excited to play more. I love the level designs and character movement. I had a great "aha" moment in the 5th level.

Here are some problems I found:

  • In the options menu there should be a prompt for L1 and R1 to change menus (or lb and rb depending on controller used)
  • You can map more than 1 action to a button
  • We have the ability to replay levels, but there is no key and no way to beat the level again. I think there should be a phantom key so the level can be completed again, or remove the ability to replay levels.
  • On controller, when the "Toggle Aim Mode" option is OFF, the "Enter Aim Mode" button doesn't enter aim mode, it cancels aim mode. Aiming is done with the "Carry/Cancel Aim" button. When the "Toggle Aim Mode" option is ON, the prompts in the menu for enter and cancel aim mode become inverted. And the "Cancel Aim Mode" button both enters and cancels aim mode.
  • With keyboard, tapping the "Carry/Enter Aim Mode" key (e by default) throws the magnet in the direction of the mouse. I think tapping the key should drop the magnet like it does for controller.
  • With keyboard, having "Toggle Aim Mode" ON makes the "Carry/Enter Aim Mode" key no longer enter aim mode. Instead the "Cancel Aim Mode" button enters and cancels aim mode.
  • Both pressing and releasing the "Magnet Action" button changes the polarity. So if you hold the button a bit too long it will reverse polarity twice in a single press.

Have a great day!