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A member registered Jan 05, 2021

Recent community posts

Great game, keep up the good work, really well done, I love the boss!

This is a super fun game, with chill music, and great game play, really well done.

Man this game is addicting, I love the way you traverse in this game.

Great game, only problem I had was that on one of the levels a brown dude cornered me in a wall and I pushed into it, so I was just running in the wall. 

This game has a great vibe to it that fits right along with the game play, very well made.

This is a well made game, great music, great game play, etc. I really like how the coins represent your life power.

The aesthetics in this game are excellent, and the music fits right along with it. As far as game play goes you also nailed it, this game is a bit of a challenge, and that just makes it an overall really well made game