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A member registered Mar 25, 2017 · View creator page →

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it is closed due to it not being ready yet

yeah seems to be everyone's first action tho 😅 so I have sealed it off 

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yeah, not quite ready for use yet, probably should block it off XD

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yeah, sure sounds fun

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right thanks for telling me. i will take a look at how to fix it However it seems to work fine on my end (in engine and in browser) so im not sure whats wrong

Also might block portal off for now xD

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Not at this moment in time  thats coming next update (hopefully)

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Lol tutorial isn't great ik will be updating it soon 

Edit: *facepalm*, apparently i dont know my right and left XD

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Not in any order yet my friend xD 

but yeah I think your probably right with that. However I'm probably going to base it on what ability that animal/creature gives you rather than what's more advanced

thanks for that. i have already fixed that in my current build just need to upload it 

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probably to do with the rounding im gonna take a look into how to sort that, appreciate the feedback btw

Edit: should be fixed

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i need to add the unlock requirements but i was thinking of adding 2 ways to unlock them. an idle way and an active gameplay way (idle will probably take longer.) and Thanks i am hoping to actually finish this game (i'm really bad at giving up half way, but i really want to stick to it this time)

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yeah that's basically what i was thinking. and as more types are added it will add more abilities. However i will probably be changing what DNA you start with. e.g smaller animals that progresses up to larger ones. not quite sure yet

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Tutorial coming soon in like 10 mins

you can use keyboard to walk to the machine at the side, sorry will add tutorial soon

to play the game use the arrow keys or WASD to move to the machine at the left side of the screen and press E to interact with it, after that use the mouse to click the available buttons