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A member registered Jun 19, 2023

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Hey  I think I got the scene to kick off without giving the bartender outfit again. Sorry about the confusion. I just had to wait a couple gametime  days. Sorry again.

(2 edits)

I probably will, thanks. I think a scene was played out of order and it mucked things up. I had the Kali, Moon Main character scene before having any of the Bar scenes. It talked about Moons history before I had ever discovered it in the game. I think its a "bug". I will still try to follow the wiki but I think the rest of the Moon scenes may be unable to play in my save.

I did. Thats where I got the next step being to give Maria the bartender outfit in the bar to start the next scene.  Maybe I am mixed up on something though. I thought it was not completable at this point. But maybe I am missing something. I will re review wiki and try advancing again later tonight. Thanks for your quick reply!

Hi again. Just wanted to make a note for you on Moon. Since I have completed most of the game story lines to this point, I decided to concentrate on the couple of side characters who there was still some content on.

I was stuck on Moon so I looked up what was necessary to finish her story arc. It seems that  her arc is not completable for me past the ellen and maria drinking game. I gave Maria her bartender outfit prior to getting this far with Moon I believe.

The internet source said that you were to give Maria her outfit in the  evening in the bar, but this is not possible since  it was already given. Therefore I can progress no further on the Moon side story without starting a new game. I'm not sure if this is a bug, a conflict with different versions of game(I upgraded from v16 to v17) or the way its supposed to be, but I thought I would let you know.

Really a great game though. Thanks.

Hi! Just wanted to say that I downloaded this game on a whim to try something different. I probably wouldve gotten bored within the first couple days without the superb story element. I am very surprised at the quality of the story in this game.  I felt uncomfortable with a monthly sponsorship, but did make the 15 dollar donation to keep the content coming. Really looking forward to continued updates on this game. Superb job in all areas. Thanks so much for this game. It's excellent. May make future contributions to keep updates coming. Really looking forward to them. I'm hooked! A little sad that I am done with story progression up to v17. Hope to see more soon! Great work!