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A member registered Mar 19, 2019 · View creator page →

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Sorry for the late reply.  Healing items have been fixed for the full release and will work as intended!  Thank you for letting me know!

Fixed an issue where an error would occur during test battles at the end.  New downloads shouldn't have this problem.  If you want to carry over your save file, go into The Dream Team Demo > www > copy the Save folder.  Go into your new download > www > paste your Save folder!

For users of the Browser Version, you won't have to do anything!  Your saves should still be there!

Due to issues with the Mac and Linux versions, they have been removed, and are no longer supported.  In place of them is a browser version of the game!  It doesn't run nearly as well.  It has load times and the audio frequently delays.  However, for users not on windows, it was my only option to getting the game to you guys in a working state.  If you are on Windows, I would advise against playing the browser version, and downloading the Windows version.  It is 100x better and smoother.  The browser version is intended ONLY for those without any other choice!

The Dream Team community · Created a new topic Reviews

Rate the game out of however many stars it is you score by, or throw it on your tier list!  Be sure to explain what you liked/disliked!

Give me any feedback you have on the game, any suggestions you have, what you'd like to see, and I'll see what I can do!

Let me know of any bugs/glitches that you found, or tell me something that you don't like about the game so I can fix it!

Ask any questions that you have about the game, and I'll answer to the best of my ability!