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A member registered Sep 22, 2023

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(2 edits)

This game is honestly amazing, It's so rare to find a free-to-play game that's this good. Here is my feedback (only meant as constructive criticism)

In my opinion the clown character needs more time to be found and to give the balloon to. It is also possible for the deer to stay right outside the door standing still while in the eating animation when you're supposed to be finding the clown, this makes it feel a lot more luck-based than skill-based.

I don't think the deer should be allowed to stand still right outside the door, especially during the clown music. I know that you can trigger the deer and then hide in the house, but this feels like it shouldn't be a required thing to survive.

I also think it would be very nice to have easy/normal/hard categories for the game. For example <easy> could be where it takes longer for monsters to attack, the candles last longer, maybe you gain more money from selling crops, and maybe you only need 1 or 2 gears for the boat, that sort of thing.

A way of keeping the deer occupied would also be cool, so imagine if there was a hook on the map that you could hang meat on, meat purchased from the shop. This would keep the deer busy for maybe 20 something seconds? Enough time to safely install the gears to the boat, or to try and find the clown without running into the deer.

Another feature that I really think should be added is rain, that waters the crops. As well as having specific sound options, so if I want to hear the clown music louder, I can specifically toggle that instead of having to change the entire game's audio.