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A member registered Nov 24, 2019

Recent community posts

Perfect, thank you so much for the clarification Joel!

Oh damn! This is just what I've been looking for.
Joel, just wanted to confirm the terms of the license that you're releasing these under.

Perfect. Thanks for quick response. Joel. Great work and a really nice decision to price your licensing in reach of tiny studios.

Hey Joel! I'm really loving some of the tracks in this collection. Can you let me know what if you have any specific licensing criteria for use in commercial projects (e.g credit format, etc.)?

This is amazing. My mind is swirling with things to do with the little masks/medium size robots/big freaky deities this thing is spitting out at me

Amazing plugin! I'm new to parallax mapping but really enjoying it so far.
Super basic question because I'm unfamiliar with the general methods but I was wondering if your documentation could include a little more basic info on what sort of images need to be set up for the different layers?
I have lights, shadows and fog working but I can't get reflections to show up on my tiles. The reflections are on because I can see them when I walk over an empty tile, but I'm clearly missing something about where to layer them or something.
Anyway thanks for the great work!