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Bondage Queen

A member registered Jun 03, 2023 · View creator page →

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Awesome direction. Gameplay is sounding way more fun!

I like it. Though hard to see how it can be used, since most people (me included) play ero games alone. If this came packaged with some kind of single player system (and there is a market for these), then we'd be talking!

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I'd prefer fewer spoilers, at least for art - maybe only tease one sprite rather than the whole progression, etc.

Reason being, for me at least, it spoils things but not even in a super satisfying way, since the art needs the in-game context to really pop.

Ooh, I personally love it! Not sure about the plastic-looking glasses, but body type, yes!

I'd say go for it, both because you like it and because (at least, it seems to me) this style is underrepresented. Most of these games feature quite young looking girls (in many cases, suspiciously young).

Taking inspiration from Luna will never be a bad idea. Though a big part of what makes Luna so good is the story and characters as the game progresses. There's just a lot of love put into it.

Would STRONGLY recommend Magical Girl Luna. I also didn't have high expectations going in and the game blew me away. It's my favorite bondage game to this day, and that's coming from someone who doesn't like lolis (if you consider Luna a loli).

Worth noting the game starts rather slow and gets better and better. Everything from the end of the chapter 3 to the end of the game (which even includes an optional bad end dungeon) is pure gold to me.

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Yeah that's good thinking imo. And since you've been gone for so long, awareness of your work is at a low point, which makes it even better timing to start something new XD

Depending on the nature of the ideas and planned content, maybe could see if it translates well to the new setting?

(Also if enough people aren't into the MILF angle, could consider just making them younger but still with that body type XD)

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I personally think it would be best to wrap up Mira Co Rescue sooner rather than later (just tie up loose ends and add an ending), and go next. It feels appropriate given your new resolve to improve as well as all your superior skills compared to when the project started. I think, generally, if you can look back at the start of a project and go 'whoa whiplash, I'm way better now,' that's a good time to put a cap on it and start anew!

As for the next game, I would personally LOVE magical girl milfs as a setting. Super underutilized given how popular superheroines and magical girls are. Love that idea. So yeah I'd prefer a new setting, but if you do choose to stay in the same universe as Mira Co, I'd like to see original characters featured and letting the Mira Co girls cameo. Just my two cents as a long time follower :)

Okay, the pictured scene has got me intrigued XD

This has so much potential. Do you have any plans for the story or campaign? Would you mind if I wrote something?

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Hmm, I just put in $3 to try the newest alpha and it still only lets me download the free versions?
EDIT: fixed

For me it's between Geminis and Sai, partly because I love glasses and the whole 'smart girl / tech girl' trope. It also doesn't hurt that Sai had the most character depth.

But actually it's clearly Geminis because she's not just super hot but oof that stuck up prideful attitude is soooo my thing. I think Geminis made me more gay than I already was lmao...

Also, while it's understandable people have complained about Geminis not getting enough 'action,' for me it's perfectly fine because she got restrained more than anyone else and that's more than enough for me! The alien parasite thing pinning her hands behind her while sucking her boob is hotter than any scene imo!

The only thing I don't like about the girls is that none of them really seem to get embarrassed even when half naked or in very compromising circumstances. I feel like they should at least try to cover their chests when talking to each other, lol.

Have the city get worse and worse is a cool idea, though it would be better to base it on 'events' (i.e. doing a quest or similar type of progress quietly increases the distress stage) rather than with a running timer as you mentioned. A running timer punishes players who like to take it slow and enjoy the game and, vice versa, will cause cause players who are just rushing the main story to miss out on most of this interesting dynamic (because they'll be done so quickly). Also, imagine leaving the game idling while you go out for a couple hours.. lmao. Most of this also applies to step counters or any other kind of 'efficiency tracking' method. Making it event based also lets you make it so that (if you want) the player can't possibly complete all the quests available unless they are willing to stay in hell city lol.

Also, I request public bondage events!

Sorry. I keep getting baited back here every so often because the character on the cover is wearing a collar and chains XD

Is there much bondage or domination in this? Or is it more of a 'romance everyone into your harem' type of game?

Tut tut, you can't mention the patreon and then not link it.
...or does itch not allow patreon links or something like that?

What I wanted: More combat bondage
What I got: M134D Minigun


Super excited to play this!

Just to be clear, this does or doesn't combine with Overkill + Yuti's mod?

You're not too stupid, working with software will just make you think you are. Stick with it, you'll figure it out. :)

Very nice! It actually was interesting to play a 'hard' H-game (even if the difficulty was due partially to jankiness). I think it would be cool if you put in a 'hard mode' at some point later on in development.

Great demo, though. I don't think I've ever seen that much earnest feedback given to an H-game.

Is Princess Rescue available to play?

Lunar Crisis community · Created a new topic Bondage?

Is there much bondage in the game? Vosmug's previous games had a delightful focus on it, but I don't see anything in the screenshots. I personally don't have a desire to buy unless there is, so just asking.

Ahaha, it's my favorite! I am a Noir fangirl.

Awesome! Are the saves from 0.12 v4 transferable?

Very intriguing! Is there a discord of somewhere to leave feedback?

Can't wait to see where this goes!

Ahaha, excellent. Assuming a 7 day week, I actually super like the decision to make the first 3 or so days the 'Kana dominates everyone' show. So really I'm only complaining because I can't play the next 4 days yet XD

I don't even particularly care for spanking and I enjoyed this. The domination and humiliation is too good! Only thing I disliked is Kana's overt plot armor - knowing she is immune to turnabout robs some of the erotic tension from many scenes.

Glad to hear you guys are working on mechanics! As for the difficulty, yes that is usually the hardest problem to solve in a bondage game (since snowballing into loss all the time isn't fun per se, but also if its too easy then the bondage doesn't feel legit). One idea that might help is to make things on the more challenging side, but also have some kind of mechanic or system where if the player loses, they get some kind of benefit to make it easier the next time. For example, perhaps on the second attempt, the enemy will spend a turn or two gloating (so the player effectively gets an extra turn or two). Just an anti-stonewall idea. Another version of this is in Magical Girl Luna, in which, after the player loses, Luna's mentor pops in and gives advice on how they can win ('The enemy does a strong restraining move after this thing, you can Defend to prevent it', etc.).

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Hmm, interesting so far. Here's some constructive feedback if you don't mind:

I feel like the peril system leaves something to be desired. It's pretty easy to avoid getting bound as long as you keep up on healing, which isn't hard to do, especially against trash mobs.

Getting bound also doesn't feel very impactful or meaningful, because (A) getting 'halfway' bound doesn't adversely affect you very much. You can still attack and cast (imo is a bit immersion breaking) which makes the bondage feel cosmetic, and (B) even if fully bound, your ally can free you in 1 turn while also restoring a bunch of health, so it's not really a big deal.

Incomplete game it seems, but what I've played so far is awesome. I love Enara - the dynamic of the MC having to learn to take charge of this big bossy minotaur is GOLD

You should definitely set a stop time in the late afternoon or evening, if you haven't. I read that setting an explicit stopping time for the day leads to better mental health and much lower rate of burnout, so might be something to consider.

Lol, if you're smart enough to make a game, you're more than smart enough to code. Especially with something like chatpgt to help guide. But there are probably ways to do it without coding, and anyways I have heard that Java is a particularly obnoxious language.

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Is there no way to simply set a 'I Am Fucking' flag to true when fucking, then only do Fuck if the flag is false? But as for the options presented, I like them all except 4, which seems too limiting.

Oh, I love to hear this! In my opinion, the big thing that felt missing from the demo/alpha was more thorough bondage integration, especially as related to combat. Taking ideas from Mira Co. is a great plan, and I think this will make the game drastically better if done well!

Yay! Seeing this update makes me very happy! Mira Co is way too good of a game to be left unfinished :)