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A member registered Jul 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much!

Thank you so much! Reverb was the key I think haha

Thank you! I did make the artwork actually, I had a lot of fun with dithering!

Thank you so much!

Thank you!

WHOA thank you so much! Bro your music is also great

Thank you!

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah there is more than one flute part, but flute players would still probably want to kill me. A friend of mine plays flute (and I do a little bit) and I've seen some of their etude music.. yeesh.

Yeah, I see where I did that. Thank you for the feedback! It may also be kind of a mixing issue where I need to adjust volume a little

Thank you for the feedback! yeah, my mixing needs a lot of work 😅

Thanks for the feedback! I do need some work on the midi, and I'll look into how to add pedal on the piano (I mostly just play live music, so I'm trying to get into making music via midi). 

Regarding your other point I was going for some dissonance with a leading note (though it might not have worked). The new motifs in that section were adapted from an old idea I had for a song like this, and might not have translated well. Thanks again for the tips!

Thank you! I started thinking about "how many old ideas can I get away with mashing in here" and then added the different sections. I didn't even notice that the middle was in 3/4 until it was too late to go back

Thank you!

Thank you! I spent hours looking for a bodhran sample XD