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A member registered Feb 19, 2022 · View creator page →

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Ryan K

i played a couple of times and the works perfectly as intended.

only things i maybe would add are say making object fall at different speeds or maybe making certain objects you don't want to hit that can kill you.  the variation of spawning works well  again i just feel like it needs a bit more. or perhaps some interesting textures 

i did  not notice any major bugs .

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Ryan K

i played this a few time and i must say its pretty well done. the background is interesting and idea is well made.

only thing is i can knock the bacteria off the stage if i tlt correctly and then it doesn't come back. suggestions i would have is seeing if you can make the rolling of the blood cell more smooth with its rolling, cause it doesn't always i guess work correctly.

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Ryan K

i played it like 10 times and 4 of them were figuring out what to do

gotta say i was very confused at the start at the start but i like the idea but it kind of difficult to understand what is going on.

its a good idea but needs more work. when trying to stop i feel like it wasn't working as intended, and a suggestion i have is you could set a boundary on the bottom and then make it all waters so you know when your at like the base of the level so you don't go down to far. also some of the waves didnt kill me and i just flipped my way through them