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Boba Studios

A member registered Nov 21, 2016 · View creator page →

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Yes, as soon as we can get together again! And definitely! We'll have to get her recipe written down this time so we can add it!!

Sorry for the late reply! Have you tested your controller with other games previously? Sometimes MACs need additional software to run Xbox  controllers. The build we are posting tonight will also be keyboard compatible and you can try a DualShock controller as well! 

No problem! Thanks so much for following up and sharing this link with us. Thank you for your feedback--we're working on adding more variety into Squirrely Roo Rabbit. We hope you stay tuned for future updates!

Thanks so much for sharing our game! We tried to watch it a few times but it's having trouble loading--we'll keep trying though! We hope you enjoyed it! :)

Aw thanks! That's great to hear! :)

Thanks so much for sharing Squirrely Roo Rabbit! Cool video! We hope you'll check us out again when we release a big update in May!


It's in it's alpha stage currently. Please be on the lookout for more soon! :)