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Blue Sentinel Software

A member registered Jan 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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This is a really cool idea with lots of potential.

I liked the speed and platforming.

I did find the stairs hard to climb, but otherwise, this is great - nice job!

Cool game - it ran well and looks good.

Was it super hard to create? I bet it was - lots of data and state to worry about. :P

Anyways, consider adding screen transitions between scenes for additional polish.

The game has been updated to correctly scale on lower resolution displays as of May 8th 2022.

Thank you very much for the feedback, and also facilitating this event. This jam was a blast, I can’t wait to do it again next year. 😄

Very cool - love the music.

Neat game! I like the blood animations.

Thanks for playing, and apologies for the screen resolution issue. The game is 1920x1080 resolution by default. May I ask what your screen resolution is? I’ll try testing on smaller and larger resolutions to see if I can reproduce your issue.

The movement is buttery smooth and the mechanics are cool.

Nice job!

Feel free to give my submission a try, I made it in SDL2 (after flip flopping between SFML and RayLib).

Yes! Precious time! 🙏 

Thanks for including my game in your video! I enjoyed watching you play. :)

Thanks for the feedback; I'm glad you enjoyed it!

This game is great! Very well done.

Are you going to submit this to any mobile app stores?

Thank you very much for playing and providing feedback.

I'm happy you found it entertaining - the game was more fun than I thought it would be too.

That's great feedback, I completely agree.

Thanks a lot for playing, much respect.

This is a cool game. I like the art style, sound, and controls.

I caused the game to crash, perhaps by pressing the fire button erratically and shooting an enemy ship. Maybe it was an array out of bounds error somewhere?

Happens to the best of us. :D

This game was great; very funny.

I love the retro art style.

I think this game is great! Smooth controls, interesting mechanics, and neat art. Well done, very professional.