Okay. This is odd. I load my save it, was Sunday. I looked in the locker room, found no. I was going to go through the week and look for her on Saturday, but before I got to the end of the week, I found Olivia in the locker room on Tuesday night.
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I am just wanting to know am if I missing something with the character Olivia. Am I failing to trigger something? Is there a bug? Or is this something not yet added to the game yet?
The journal hint says, "Olivia seems preoccupied. I should try to catch her on the weekend when she's off guard."
So on Sundays and Saturdays I have tried looking for Olivia, the only place I have been about to find her is the Convenience Store at the time of Dusk. I try talking to her she just says, "Umm, I'm sort of doing something right now." This never changes.
Is there another time or place I am suppose to find her? Or is this something no the game yet?
I did two play throughs when I did the start the game naked and without stats mode. Came across two minor bugs.
Bug 1: Reach the game's end at the hotel bar nude, Flo shows up, and my avatar is now wearing a shirt. Was playing male character incase that is a factor.
Bug 2: Playing male incase that is a factor. Last day, both Araine and I are doing nude walk through. Stopped by police officer, and we reach the point of "She hands the passports back." I lose picture. Just a black screen with red text that says, "Image 'policewoman2bm' not found." I can still click and thankfully can still read all the dialogue, but I have zero picture until we are at the beach arcade.
I have a theory related to the student plus mother characters, and mods, and mainly just want my theory to be confirmed as correct, or if I am wrong for someone to correct me.
Some of the students have assigned mothers.
Some of the students do not have assigned mothers.
I had noticed in past that student character can have a made up mother character made, represent by some photo realistic computer art drawing. (Unless that was removed, it has been awhile since I last played.)
I noticed if I click the i icon of the Admissions page, I can adjust a setting called "Chance to assign random mother."
My theory is as follow. If I have an equal amount of student characters and mother characters, and I set that chance to randomly assign mother to 100%, that each student character that does not have an assigned mother will randomly be paired with one of the mother characters that dose not have an assigned student. Thus no student will have a computer art mother, unless I have an uneven number of students and ran out of mother characters.
Is my theory correct or wrong? If download the mods would I have to go to the process of trying to figure out how to attach mother character to a student character?
This is a great comic. Story is great, artwork is great. If you are reading this unsure if want to buy it or not, click the link the description read it free on their website first. That is what I did, and then I came back and bought digital copy so I could have an option of reading even if the internet is down. Or a theorical scenario were in the future Dan Mapplethrope's website stop existing, I will own a copy I can read.
I have read other erotic comics that deals human or elf having sex with a monster, and my pass experience they had a tendency of going in directions I was less interested in. Which for me mainly means the sex becomes more brutal in nature, and/or less consensual. But thankful this comic does not go there! The sex was consensual, stay tender/playful nature, while still matching the story's theme of a power struggle between the two characters.
I would like to thank the writer for coming up with this story and portraying it the way they did. It is hard for me to find an erotic comic that includes a sex with monster element and me still liking the comic. However I like this comic, I am glad I found it.
Playing the browser version of the demo. I have one question. A few times I have typed in a word, and get something saying #Early Access. Does this mean that I typed in a word that actually works in the game, but I would have to buy the full game to see it? I would understand that, I just want to know if that is what is happening.
A woman is wearing the collar. I can give another hint if you wish or give the exact location, but I thought I would start with a minor hint first.
Added note in editing: I just checked something. The collar is in a room that you can drop an item and the scene will change. Collar stays in the room, but if did something to change the scene, the collar moves to being worn by a man. So worn by a woman if you did nothing in the room, wore by a man if added an item to the room.
I have played all three of your current XTrek games. I have constructive criticism for each of them. I would like to share my constructive criticism, but I am unsure what be the best way to do so. Should I post my constructive criticism for all three games here? Should I post the criticism for each game on each of their pages? Which way would make more sense to you feel, or make you feel more comfortable receiving feedback?
Originally I consider posting my constructive criticism for each game on their own page. But I was concern that might make it look like I am on mission to trash ever game you make, which is not my goal. I just wanted to point at things I thought were flaws that you could possibly improve on in future games. A few of them I even have couple of suggestions to consider in future games. Your art work design is great by the way.
For the record, I did see your reply sooner. I was just being slow to respond. It could be the issues is just only related to McAfee Web Adviser, and maybe Affect 3D Store could contact McAfee to find out what why McAfee's software is being triggered by their sight. Either an unknown issue with the site or an unknown error in the software is triggering a false positive.
Or maybe the website has unknow virus that McAfee can detected but not detected by other anti-virus or cyber security software. Which I hope it is not that one. Because had been 19 days since I first tried to link. If there was a real virus I would hope the store would have realized it by now and would dealt with the problem with 19 days. Or shut the website down until the issues was fixed.
Either way, might be something to tell the website's tech support so they could look into it. For the record, it is only the store page site that is trigger this. I can look around Affect 3D's blog and other parts of the site no problem. It is only when I try to got to Affected 3D's store that puts McAfee Web Adviser on alert.
Looking at your list of planned fetishes, I am sure this game will be my thing. Yet there was one I had never heard and just want to ask for explanation on that. What is corruption healing? I am aware of corruption, and have some level of understanding that. But corruption healing is completely new one to me.
I think the best approach I can go for making a comment for this comic is to go into constructive feedback mode. The artwork is great. I am impressed with the effects of making the characters look they are covered in sweat and water. I thought that needed a special shoutout.
Your general story concept is good, however there were points upon reading that it looked like comic needed more proofreading. I struggle with proofreading stuff myself. So I am not trying to pick on you, but there were some glaring things that seemed hard to overlook.
Like during the shower conversation they mention "shampoo" a couple of times but it comes quickly clear from context that they are actually talking about bodywash or soap. On page 28 you had Gama Buns called Red Huntress, "Widow" instead. I think we all get that Red Huntress is intended to be a parody of the Black Widow character, but you establish in this comic the charter is not Widow in any form. So it just comes across random and weird.
Another oddity was on page 59 were Gama Buns was explaining to Red Huntress that without control she would have hurt Red Huntress while Red Huntress was giving Gama Buns oral sex. The problem with that is, none of that happened yet. In fact up until that point Gama Buns was giving Red Huntress oral sex.
The last oddity I wanted to mention is earlier in the comic, involving pages 14-17. At first it felt there was some pages missing, but I have since developed a new theory that maybe these pages are out of order. On page 15 the first thing anyone speaks Gama Buns is saying thank you, expect on page 14 nothing happened that would make Gama Buns thanking Red Huntress. Yet on page 16 Red Huntress gives a complement about Gama Buns strength, and if you go back to page 15 it looks like a conversation is continuing from that complement. Now both pages 15 and 16 Gama Buns is pushing down Red Huntress's legs while spotting her. Yet it is not until page 17 that we have an explanation as towards why Gama Buns are pushing on Red Huntress's legs. On page 17 Gama Buns points that Red Huntress is lifting her legs during the exercise. I think this was intended to be the start of Gama Buns holding Red Huntress's legs down. And those are the reasons why I think pages 15-17 might be out of order.
I see this is the first comic you posted on Itch. I do not want to discourage you. The things I pointed out are things that can be improved on. I believe with better proofreading you can make better comic if you ever decided you wanted to make another comic.
Hi. I remember playing the demo version of this on Newgrounds some time ago. I recently discovered the full version available here on Itch. I do not remember not remember any hints of horror elements when I played the Newgrounds. I really dislike horror. Was this tag a mistake? Or am I failing to remember something from the Newgrounds demo? Or did the demo leave the horror part? Questions I feel like should ask before deciding to spend my money.
I am giving you the benefit of the doubt that you are a nice person. However you may want to contact Affect 3D Store's tech support and tell them that McAfee's Web Adviser is flagging their website as malicious. Maybe something on their website is causing a false positive, or maybe some hacker uploaded a virus to their site without them knowing. Either way, probably something the site should look into.
This is titled Sugar Mom 2. Where is Sugar Mom 1? Is the first one Sugar Mom's Halloween? If so fine. I looked at the Halloween one, I thought maybe it was a Halloween special possibly outside the normal cannon of the Sugar Mom the normal comic series. I can accept being wrong. If the Halloween on is not the first in the series, then I repeat my question of where is Sugar Mom 1?
Hello. I noticed this comic's status is listed as "In development" yet a lot of newer comics that listed as "released." So I just wanted to know before spend money on anything. Is this an unfished comic you are still panning to get back to? Or unfinished, and you are not planning to finish it? Or is this a finished comic and you just forgot to change the status?
I have some constructive criticism. But I first want to acknowledge that Basilicata is doing something innovative combining visual novel and board game mechanics. That is a new idea, I have currently not seen anyone else attempt this. I do like the concept of blending these two things, I just also think there is room for improvement. Yet I am aware that with being the first to do something new, it is likely not everything is going to be perfect. However I still wanted share my thoughts.
This paragraph I want to speak directly Basilicata. I am aware the constructive criticism I have would probably require you to redesign part of the game engine or mechanics from the game's start. Given how far you are in development and how much you have already done, I understand this would likely be consider as unreasonable suggestions. So I will both understand and respect if you choose not to implement anything I am about to say here for this game. Yet I still want to share my constructive criticism so maybe they could consider it in a future game. Or the off chance another game developer sees this comment and maybe they will keep in their minds.
My criticism is with the board game aspect. It is the part of the game we have the most interactions with, which makes sense given the game's title. However the board game part to me seems lacking in choices and too dependent on luck. You roll a die, move to the random the number the die rolled, and then your only choice is whether or not you use the spot you landed on. This limits your options and prevents you from trying to strategize. If were wanting to specialize and focuses on a skill, like dexterity or stamina, you can't. You can't make choices trying to focusing on anyone one skill, you are limited to the random number of the single die. I have some suggestions of how this issues could be addressed.
I want to make something clear first. The following suggestions are base on my experience playing physical board games. I have zero idea how hard or easy anything I am about to suggest would be to program for a computer game.
Add more dice: Instead of just one die, roll three dice. And then the player can pick which dice number the want to use. You still keep a random factor of luck, but also would give the player a bit more freedom of choice in what to do with the dice roll.
Add cards: Keep the single die system, but add a deck of movement cards to go with it. They draw four or five cards at the start of the round, and that is all the cards they have for the round. (Unless you wanted to add events were they could gain cards.) The cards add or subtract movement from the die roll. (Or just add if you do not want to deal with subtraction.) The cards randomly drawn have different numbers how many movements they add or subtract. Player rolls the die, and have the choice of do they want to keep the die roll as is, or play one of their cards to change how far they move. Personally I think it might be best if the cards only range from adding or subtracting 1-3, but feel free to disagree with me on that. You still have the random luck factor of the die, added with the random factor of the cards drawn, but the player then has the choice of when to use the cards they were given, and also which card to use. A choice they can ponder with each die roll until they run out of cards.
Replace die with cards: Draw a hand cards with different movement amounts instead of rolling a die. There are a few options how you can do this.
1. They have to use up the current hand cards before they can draw new cards. If the player is smart they will look at their cards and make a plan of what order they play them to land on the spaces they want. Mix strategy with luck as the cards are still random.
2. They draw new hand each turn and pick which card they play. You still have a random luck factor, but again just like with my add more dice suggestion the player has more freedom of choice in the mater.
Beyond that parts of the story aspects I have seen thus far is intriguing. Does make me curious how different stories might end. That criticism I have that is not exactly game board related is the skipping the tutorial, mainly I just wanted a option to skip the tutorial without being a jerk to Mercedes. When I restarted and skip the tutorial I kind of felt playing the tutorial was the only way to be less mean and less of a jerk to Mercedes. There was no point to be that mean just because I did not want to play the tutorial again.
I wish you the best of luck in finishing your game.
I am playing the in browser demo, and accidently discovered a way to make her pregnant. How do I make her not pregnant? I have tried birth, labor, time, trimester, mother. Please tell me the answer is not abortion. It is only the idea I have not tried yet, I feel like that would be cruel if that was the only option.
I am playing the demo in the browser, so I can understand if the answer to this question I need to buy the full game. I have have drank a few cups of drinks myself, and nothing happens.
Can me drinking the cup myself cause something happen? Am just drinking the wrong cups, or is nothing happens always the outcome when I drink it?
This is actually a cute game. Took me a bit of trial and error to figure out, but that is my experience with most games. Even with a will well written tutorial it takes a bit of trial and error to get the hang of a game, so this is not criticism of how you explained the game. I did have a question, wondering if I missed something.
So I first played a little bit of the game in browser. Thought I finished the tutorial, got called away from computer. When I came back I decided to just download the game. Thinking I already finished the tutorial part, I clicked on skipping the game tutorial. Then later I discovered I can click on women behind the deck in the lobby (sorry I don't trust myself to spell their names correctly). It brought up a menu labeled shifts, and I not sure to do with it. So did I unknowingly skip over the part were they explain this?
Side note: I did also encountered a bug which someone else explained in the post below this one. I replied to that post explaining I encounter the same bug with a different version then they were playing.
My version seems to be 1.1.1 version and I think I also encountered that Elven city bug in mission 3 as well. I was really confused. I did not know what happened, or what trigger it so I did not know how to write a report about. So thank you for your post, you wrote about the problem better then I would have. Thus allowing me to state I have also had this encounter in the 1.1.1 version, meaning you were not alone in encountering this.
I actually think "what's the story" can be a valid criticism. I have only played the demo of this game, and I recognise the game is currently early in development. At this stage I do not expect to know how the story is going to end. However I think it would be fair to know what is the story up to point of the level you are having me play.
The one random has a point with "Why are the robots horny motherfuckers?" I made a post were I made a list of things that confused and I thought might need to be explained better. (At the time of this, the older post in question is dated 11 days ago.) And one of the things I misunderstood is apparently the red bar the character icons, which I am now guessing is a horny meter.
I thought that was an energy stamina bar. I thought I needed to wait for them to fill up some before assigning them to a guest. Person on the phone told me how to close the doors if I needed to, but did not explain why I would need to. Need some story telling, some tutorial, some thing to explain this bar is a horny bar and if they get too horny they will break into your office and cause you to lose time.
I have learned that apparently this is inspired by or parody of the Five Nights Of Freddy games. I have heard of them, never played them. Just came back to add a comment, that if anything I mentioned above I was confused about were things based on Five Nights Of Freddy game then I will like to give a last suggestion.
Work on the assumption there is a chance that your player has not played the original game your game is inspired by or parodying. So do not assume that players will already know how to do something, because that is how it was in original game. Work on the assumption that you will have to explain everything.