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A member registered May 23, 2024 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Yes. That's where he can obtain the the black skin after speaking with Sen.

1. Fixed.

2. Yes.

3. If you have Krasz butt plug you are submissive.

You have to lose all of your paladin powers by getting <0 purity before they will appear.

(1 edit)

1. There wasn't a point in selling a similar product, especially since the former was of lesser quality than this.

2. Characters were changed to give them a greater depth, and while most remain, they have been overhauled completely.

3. The story has been completely overhauled, with more in depth character interactions, of which include two 'dating' events after progression through respective questlines.

4. New visual novel bust images were added, new music was introduces, more endings, more characters, more interactions,  a more simplistic night and day mechanic, the removal of a trading system in favor of a better crafting system, a plug-in for my other games on the front of the notice board, a more visual intimate scenes between characters, of which can show their expressions with greater detail.

(1 edit)

It has come to my attention that the original creator is being harassed because of the A.I. art that is in this product, as such, I am making this post to ask that all ire, enmity, anger, and frustration be directed towards myself, as it was my decision to make this game with artificial imagery. 

Please do not harass, bother, threaten or otherwise engage with the original creator in any manner.

Thank you.

(3 edits)

The Main Characters within the story all have needs, but in true rural fashion, they will give you items in return for helping them with said needs based on increments of  10 / 25 / 50 / 99, except for Rain.

Rain (Needs Crowns) - Broken Key x5 / Restorative Gummy x3 /Treasure Sack / Treasure Bag

Krasz (Needs Salt) - Hunter's Hunger (Increases Item Scavenging) / Treasure Bag / Hunter's Wisdom (Increase EXP) / Treasure Satchel

Russ (Needs Plain Wood) - Wild Yellow Root x5 /Orb of Air x3 / Aegis Breath / Guard Loaf

Sen (Needs Black Moon Ash) - Slumber Dew x5 / Orb of Chaos x3 / Blood of Chaos / Scieppan's Peach

Nibbles (Needs Flower of Restraint) - Herbal Gummy x5 / Silken Bandage x3 / Golden Chest Key / Lucky Onion

Victory (Needs Magic Raspberries) - Shimmering Sand x5 / Mystic Gem x3 / Sage Gummy / Egg of Light

Hammer (Needs Seaside Mud) - Red Pepper Weed x5 / Orb of Fire x3 / Fotiá's Blood / Power Grapes

Felix (Needs Forest Silk) - Azure Seaweed x5 / Orb of Water x3 / Vitali's Tears / Magic Carrot

Whyte (Needs Forest Cotton) - White Willow x5 /Orb of Electricity x3 / Bebeodan's Blessing / Bebeodan's Apple

 Cinnabun (Needs Stun Weed) - Jade Tea Leaves x5 / Stun Bomb x3 / Winnan's Glory / Seed of Speed

Within the story there will be an opportunity to fund the building of a sanctuary to the dragon gods, and thereby pray and give offerings to them. In doing so you will be able to gain their rings, four of which are elemental in nature, and thus able to grant you new spells and abilities, however a paladin cannot wear jewelry, and so you will only be able to access these powers if you choose to forsake the values of the paladin order by being naughty and playing around with chaos.

Each dragon god is partial to a certain offering and can only be given an offering after praying to them and gaining a blessing, of which can be lost by sleeping in your tent for a full day/night:

Scieppan - First Dragon God - Gold Ore

Bebeodan - Second Dragon God - Iron Ore

Fotiá - Fire Dragon Goddess - Ruby Bead (Can be created from crimson shards found in the mine with Sen's crafting aid)

Aegis - Earth Dragon Goddess - Emerald Bead (Can be created from viridian shards found in the forest with Sen's crafting aid)

Vitali - Ocean Dragon Goddess - Sapphire Bead (Can be created from azure shards found in the beach with Sen's crafting aid)

Winnan - Lightning Dragon God - Opal Bead (Can be created from amber shards found in the mountain with Sen's crafting aid)

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Items - Whyte, the wolf healer. (Will increase what you can craft if you increase your relationship with him.)

Specialty Items - Victory, the fox dancer.

Weapons - Hammer, the tiger blacksmith. (Will increase what you can craft if you increase your relationship with him.)

Armor/Accessories - Felix, the feline dressmaker. (Will increase what you can craft if you increase your relationship with him.)

Elemental Items - Sen, the goat vintner - you will need to take a chaos seed or blood of chaos before long, otherwise you will get a bad ending.

Merchant - Nibbles, the rat pub owner - he is the only way you can sell items in the game.

(3 edits)

Main - The main story campaign will be the easiest to do, seeing as all you have to do is to help Rain, the town mayor, with her problems, and then subsequently Lord Adam, the local lord who presides over the region of Cotton Hill. There are no demons/fiends within this character's storyline, and so you can be a paladin or not and fight with basic weapons to get through it.

Nightmare - This is a subset of the MAIN questline, wherein you will need to be a full fiend before the start of the second phase of the main questline and be called out by Lord Adam for it. Upon doing so, you will complete the second phase but be banished from the village by Rain, and thus sent back to camp, wherein you will be visited by a nightmare who will take you to see his lord and master, an archfiend. If you take on this questline the endings will change, and you will have to fight through one dungeon, a coliseum tournament, and then against a very hard final boss. You can still gain access to crafting, but not the areas to forage if you have not dealt with Krasz' questline, so difficult will vary depending on where you are in the rest of the story.

Krasz - This questline can be difficult, only because there are several mandatory boss fights within it, of which will be quite difficult, depending on your level and your current equipment, of which will need to be enchanted/specialized due to having demons/fiends to fight throughout. Also, you will have three boss fights with Krasz himself in different phases, of which the last will determine which ending you receive.

Russ - This questline can be considered the easiest within the game, as all you will need is a decent level and equipment to get through it. There are no true demons here, so you will not need any specialty equipment to get to the ending.

Sen - This questline will demand that you have taken a seed of chaos in order to start it, the former can be obtained by completing the first phase of Russ' questline. IF YOU HAVE NOT TAKEN EITHER THEN YOU WILL GET A BAD ENDING AT THE END OF THIS QUESTLINE!!! Afterwards, you will need a high level and powerful enchanted equipment, as Sen will send you down a rabbit hole that specifically deals with fiends and the like.

Nibbles - This questline is split into two parts: the first will see you having to aid Nibbles in building up the town inn, by way of paying him, and taking on for him. Afterwards, the second part of the questline will open, which will involved you going through a number of one-on-one battles within arena that Nibbles will set up for you. The finale one has a demon fight within it, so you will need to craft enchanted/specialty equipment to get through it.

Victory - This questline only opens after the first part of Nibbles' questline is completed. You will have to fight any /fiends during it, and so it can be considered easy enough once you can get to it.

Hammer - This is the most difficult questline in the game!!! The main reason for this is because Hammer will be hounded by the undead, which you will need enchanted equipment to repel, and then you will have to go through a very battle heavy second which will put you against wave after wave of undead and then a boss. Afterwards, you will still have several other bosses to contend with before you reach the end. 

Felix - This questline can be considered difficult or easy, depending on your level and equipment, as there are no demons/fiends to fight, but you will have to fight a gauntlet in the third phase to get to the ending.

Whyte - This is the second most difficult questline in the game!! The main reason being that you will have three gauntlets of enemies to fight, one for each ending phase of the questline, and they all have demons/fiends at the end, so you will need specialty equipment to defeat them.

Cinnabun - (This character can only be found in the second area of the forest at night and only if you have 0 purity.) This questline can be considered the third most difficult, if only because there will be two demonic boss fights, which necessitates that you have enchanted equipment to defend yourself with. You also will need to be at 50 Purity to even start it, and have access to the second area of the forest by way of seeing through Krasz's questline. 

To guard against chaos and all that it would inflict

upon the heart and mind, know well of which grievances

can draw strength from, and how best to guard both the

heart and mind against them.

Lust: Unrestrained sexual craving.

To defeat: Be pure. Guard your heart.

Know that desires, while acceptable, must be restrained.

Gluttony: To over-indulge, especially by over-eating.

To defeat: Avoid excess in all things, be they eating,

drinking, working and so on. Moderation is key.

Pride: Inflated sense of one's accomplishments.

To defeat: Be humble. Remember that your deeds need not

always be acknowledged.

Envy: Jealously towards another's happiness.

To defeat: Be thankful for what you have and be ready

to question why you would want what you do not possess.

Greed: The excessive desire for material things.

To defeat: Be generous. Give that which you do not

need to those without.

Wrath: Uncontrolled feelings of hatred and anger.

To defeat: While anger is a natural response to outside

influences, be patient. Take deep breaths before acting.

Sloth: Laziness born from lack of effort.

To defeat: Rest when needed, but be diligent in your

actions. Keep vigil the hour of your responsibilities.

- - - - - - -

Paladin's Oath:

Honesty: Don't lie or cheat. Let your word be your


Courage: Do not be afraid to fear, but be ever ready to

act within the face of fear.

Compassion: Aid others, protect the weak, and punish

those who threaten them. Show mercy to your foes, but

temper it with wisdom.

Honor: Treat others with fairness, and let your

righteous deeds be an example to them of the good

which can be done in the world.

- - - - - - -

Paladin Vow of Chastity:

Chastity: To maintain one's duty towards righteousness

a paladin must abstain from sexual activities, as it

is a desire which will distract one from their duties,

and a perversion that will dull their powers.

(8 edits)

When foraging you will obtain either 1 (commonly) or 3 (uncommonly) items, unless you have given Krasz enough salt, at which point you will have an equal opportunity to obtain between 1-3 items, so long as you do not sleep, as the bonus he gives to foraging will dissipate upon a full rest.

Forest - (Level 5+ to start with) / (Level 25+) / (Level 45+)

  • Level 1 - Healing Herb - Natural Cotton - Plain Wood
  • Level 2 - Wild Hide -  Antidotal Herb  - Viridian Shard
  • Level 3 - Forest Silk - Jade Tea Leaves - Enchanted Leaf

Beach - (Level 10+ to start with) / (Level 30+) / (Level 50+) 

  • Level 1 - Flower of Restraint - Seaside Mud - Plain Salt
  • Level 2 -  Moonstone Crystal - Azure Seaweed  - Cerulean Shard
  • Level 3 - Treasure Chest - Enchanted Rune - Ocean Jelly

Mine - (Level 15+ to start with) / (Level 35+) / (Level 55+) 

  • Level 1 - Black Powder - Copper Ore - Eagle Eye Herb
  • Level 2 - Red Pepper Weed - Iron Ore  - Crimson Shard
  • Level 3 - Gold Ore - Drake Scale - Treasure Key

Mountain - (Level 20+ start with) / (Level 40+) / (Level 60+) 

  • Level 1 - Magic Raspberries - Shock Weed - Mountain Stone
  • Level 2 -  Ebony Goo - Shimmer Sand - Wild Yellow Root 
  • Level 3 -  Indigo Shard-  Amber Shard  - Black Moon Ash
(2 edits)

There are over 18+ endings within the game.

The main ending will come about by helping the town mayor, an elf named Rain, with her chores and the problems that are happening both within and outside of Cotton Hill. The ending you will get for aiding her will deal with what Lance chooses to become after spending so much time away from the paladin order, and specifically his level of corruption. 

As for the main love interests, each of them will have one basic ending, and one ending if you are more thoroughly corrupted by  sin and decadence. Be ware that to get to these endings you will have to fight a number of creatures and bosses, many of whom will take issue with your presence, and some who will necessitate going through a dungeon or two in order to find and best.

There are also a few secret endings within the game which can only be found by becoming completely corrupt. 

- - - - - - - - 

The Nightmare - Play the main story (Helping Rain) as normal and be completely corrupted during the beginning of the second phase. (MISSABLE!!)

Kingsmane - Play the main story  (Helping Rain) but be completely pure.

Pike - Play the main story (Helping Rain) as normal but be less than pure but not completely corrupted.

Krasz - Finish his questline. The ending depends on whether or not he's stuffed butt plug up Lance's bottom. If he has, you will get the submissive ending, if not, you will have to fight him for the dominance ending.

Russ - Help him throughout his questline and be either less than pure or be completely corrupted.

Sen - Help him plow his fields will gain you one ending. Or help him at night inside of his home with his questline after eating a chaos seed and then defending him from the knights who come around to harass him.

Nibbles - Help expand his bar both upstairs and then see through his questline at night.

Victory - Help him through his questline as either a less than pure paladin or completely corrupted. (You can only gain access to Victory after aiding Nibbles with the end of his first questline.)

Hammer - Help him through his questline by either passing on, or remaining as Death's protegee. The first ending you get naturally, but the latter you gain if you have eaten a chaos seed before the end of the first segment of Hammer's questline before you meet Death.

Felix - Help him throughout his questline and be either less than pure or be completely corrupted.

Whyte -  Help him throughout his questline and be either less than pure (Not Missable) or be completely corrupted during the beginning of the second phase. (MISSABLE!!)

Cinnabun -  Help him throughout his questline and be either less than pure or be completely corrupted. (You will find him in the forest at night in the second area, which you can only gain access to by aiding Krasz in his questline and having 0 purity.)

(2 edits)

As stated into the main portion of the game's page, there are eight potential candidates for growing a relationship with. Each man will have their own lives to lead however, and so in order to get close to them you will need to become an active member in their daily affairs, this means helping them with various chores around their homes.

After every 3+ tasks (not counting any fights to defend them and their livelihood) there will be a special scene between you and said character, what happens then will be determined by their specific lifestyle, though do beware that some of these men have hidden pasts, the likes of which may prove fatal to you if you are not prepared, so equip yourself as well as you can before attempting to grow closer to them. The truth behind many of these assaults will only come after you have grown deep enough into the relationship, though sometimes the mystery will simply linger as a question of perspective.

Once you have spent enough time with your choice of romantic option you will get a chance to become intimate with them, or close enough to it in some cases. With that said, some of the characters will need for Lance to be at  a certain low level of purity to even get a chance to get close to, but beware of becoming too impure, as this can change the ending of your game.

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In order to journey deeper into the recesses of the outlining region - the forest,  the beach, the mine, the mountain  - you will need to speak with Krasz, the village huntsman, who will only be available to speak with at night in town. Krasz will, after some overly macho prompting, task you with clearing out various monsters from each area in question in order to go deeper within their depths, however, you will need to fight a boss before you can proceed, which means that it would be wise to forage earlier on and then return to the village of Cotton Hill to make use of what you can gather for yourself before the attempt.

Foraging can be done easily enough by selecting the command to forage while within an battleground area, sometimes you will often find treasure chests within the area, the likes of which can contain some very nice loot, provided you can obtain the keys for them. Beware if you do not have any and attempt to force them open as mimics will abound.

There are three levels to each of the above outlining regions, the enemies you face will grow progressively stronger as you enter into their depths, but the rewards you will find will also increase in value, especially if you are diligent in your crafting in town, of which can be done by speaking to the local business owners.