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BlueCat Productions

A member registered May 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

For all "non-German" fans: Thank you for the interest in the game. 

This is our final project for our school. Because we are quite new in game pruduction and had little time, we had to limit ourselves to a German version. There may be many bugs that we try to fix in the next few months. We also have other issues such as publishing a version for Mac/Linux/Browser and can`t uploading the game to this site (because of the maximum size of 1GB)

For understanding the story we recommend the Google translator and for exploring the elaborate map the last chapter on the right "Erkunden"

Even if we are still beginners  we wish you a lot of fun!

PS: "Fortsetzung folgt" means to  be continued.

- BlueCat
