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You have to go talk to the yellow and black cat to the left of Fallenclan camp until she has no new dialogue, then go back and talk to the cat that asked you (sorry I didn't include names, I'm very bad at remembering them lol) go the direction she points to until you see an arrow that wasn't there before. Click it and go right until you see another cat (Or two depending on the time of day) and talk to her until she has no new dialogue, then go back to the cat that asked you, finish her dialogue, and you should get the achievement!
Alright, I figured it out!
So first you need to talk to Moose (The brown cat outside the tent in Sunclan) until he asks you for a favor (I did this while in Sunclan and am not sure if it works with Fireclan) say 'yes' and then after he finishes his dialogue go give a pink tulip (found to the right of the Fallenclan entrance) to Nightlight (The dark gray cat with grey spots outside the Fallenclan entrance) and after she finishes her dialogue, go talk to Moose again, wait until he finishes the dialogue, then talk to Nightlight. Again. After she asks you a question, respond 'yes' and after she finishes the dialogue, talk to Sleetshine (the brown cat right outside the area where they do the show who is standing next to a white cat) wait until she finishes her dialogue, go back to Nightlight and wait until she finishes the dialogue, you should get the achievement. Hope this helps :)