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A member registered Jul 04, 2023 · View creator page →

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A video game with a very original premise! Its mechanics of the individual windows seem surprising to me and you have shown that Godot, (the game engine created from Argentina) can be taken seriously when creating video games, free or even commercial , I have had fun playing this game and from someone who has also been using Godot for a while I find it incredible.

I only found one bug from the time I played:

- When there are many windows open at the same time it causes the store to respond strangely when selecting an item, the Item shakes too much, resulting in it no longer being able to be seen because it leaves the screen (You can still buy the items but not having a view of the purchase ends up being uncomfortable, it hurts more due to the late game)

PD: I am very interested in the development of this project.