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A member registered Jun 15, 2014

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Hi, there.

Firstly, I'm sorry for your lost, I really do. But even if I'll never know Robert in life, I can see he is immortal in and though you, and his loved ones. His teachings and inspiration will live always through you. And now a little though me as well. I'm a random guy from Argentina, the same age as he was and his inspiration that he shared with you is now also in a small bit here in Argentina, probably far from where you live.

We all have to go someday, but he was particularly young for that, as I hope I am... But with the spark of creativity and loads of love that he left in your heart, in a distant future, someone will be at the same beach you were in the game, passing on your message that will be also your uncle's and the legacy will forever go on. As good legacies should.

I can see you'll do well in life just by playing this small game. Actually, I can see you ALREADY do well in life, and partly, thanks to him.

RIP, Ronin.