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A member registered Oct 09, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing. The music was done entirely by Josh and you're right he did a really great job. 

Thank you so much, I'm really glad you enjoyed it

Thanks for playing, I hope you enjoyed your time with it!

Thank you for playing, I'm glad you had fun. We chose to not have a definitive ending and instead have the game loop over and over again to add to the story - I do admit we could have done a better job at making that more obvious though. Sorry for any confusion! 

Thank you so much for playing! 

Hey, thank you so much for playing and for all the feedback. This was the first proper 'game' either of us have ever worked on so there's definitely some things we could have done better and we aim to on our future projects. I'm really glad you enjoyed it overall though :)

Thanks for playing, I'm really glad you enjoyed it! We wanted to start small for our first game but will definitely be going bigger on our next project

Thank you for playing our game - I hope you enjoyed it!