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A member registered Aug 20, 2019 · View creator page →

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Is the game getting patched? If so there's also a bug where the bear trap graphic reappears when you read the notebook with the code after removing the trap.

'know it was generic, but it was mostly intended as a practice game to test my Ren'py skills, so I didn't focus on the plot as much as I will in my future games'

Ah, that's very fair then. The game was pretty solid in technical terms so other than flashy effects and things like that your general skill with engine seems pretty good.

'Also, the bonus story was just intended to explain Clarissa's backstory, not make her sympathetic; sorry if it came across that way.'

That's surprising since it seemed like it was giving her a motive and fair backstory. No need to apologize for it coming across wrong.

'As a side note, I am also trying to practice my art skills so that I will be able to draw some art for my future games.'

Awesome and great to hear you're planning on making future games : )

(2 edits)

Haven't started the game, will edit my comment with my thoughts once I'm done but nice art, it's quite charming.


Finished it and enjoyed the plot. It was pretty generic but enjoyable and I liked how many choices and endings there were, even if the branches were pretty short. I enjoyed the bonus ending although her motivations were a bit weak and didn't really make as sympathetic as it seemed it was intended to. I wouldn't have minded if the clues were auto tracked since I'm dumb and had to go back after already seeing them all as I didn't keep a note of them as I went. The fact that one paths had multiple options that all led to failure was interesting but seems out of place unless that's a common thing that makes the game a sort of intelligent trial and error. The choices were also pretty obvious as to what was right and wrong but I imagine that was sort of intentional as it was pretty generic and I assume that was to some degree deliberate. I enjoyed it a lot overall and am excited to see if you make anything else : )

(sidenote, I know you didn't make the art after checking the credits but the art's shading is a little weird as it's a bit too pink imo but not much you could've done about that I guess)