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A member registered Feb 20, 2023

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I like how this game doesn't try to romanticize cult activity, yet it portrays it in a realistic way. Because far too often in media, you either get a complete romantic portrayal of it or a complete misinterpretation of how they operate. In most cults, you are lured in by them preying on what an individual wants. Many people think they won't fall victim, they're too smart. The reality that cults can affect anyone is clearly portrayed, especially in the minute detail of there being no good endings outside of the avoidance one. Alaric uses the protagonist having a crush on him to their advantage. Most cults are a honeypot trap, not the overt kidnapping from a scary person as often portrayed. A very realistic game I'd certainly recommend!

I saw the original comment, it was very off-topic, but also to get the information you were trying to press the artist about you definitely had to have dug into him, making it even more off-topic, because he had not brought it up, and again on itchio you can report comments for being off-topic hope this helps