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A member registered Jul 03, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thanks, the final version is out now so let me know if you find any bugs or have suggestions! (although i can't promise i'll make substantial changes to the app anytime soon)

Thanks! You comment helped push me to start working on it again after a break. I'm almost finished building out all the features so stay tuned!

haha thanks!

Very cool tool, I love the pixel art look! I think the hover descriptions might be easier to read if it was just text over a solid rectangle background instead of the outlined text.

Very cool tool, I love the pixel art look! I think the hover descriptions might be easier to read if it was just text over a solid rectangle background instead of the outlined text.

Thanks Ennio! I think it'll really shine when you're able to create a stack of your character traits, etc. and burn them. That'll be a December task though since I'm spending November writing a new game!

Absolutely, go ahead and adapt it as you'd like! Crediting me is appreciated but not required.

I'm so glad you like it! :)


Weird haha. Thanks for your reply!

I'm a bit late to the party but I was wondering if we'd be able to submit our entry to this jam to other jams as well?

(1 edit)
I can't seem to download this even though it's free right now, there's nowhere to click in this popup to download it.

Awesome thanks!

Here's a tutorial I just released for creating a bullet hell pattern generator in Godot Engine

Thanks! Yeah I added the timer for that exact reason haha

Thanks! My original plan was actually to record the player's movements to make the mimics move a similar way to the player's last movements, but having them move randomly ended up feeling difficult enough!

Thanks! Yeah, if I had more time I would probably add some more power-ups and multiple lives
