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A member registered Sep 08, 2021

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Invisible walls

Yep, got it now, thanks!

Could I have a hint for level 6 please? I can't see a way of moving the red block to the green switch without having both cops on the wrong side of the green blocks!

(1 edit)

In the maze for the plunger, you need to go outside the maze to complete it, but that path goes further as well. The extra paths also only seem to be accessible from one direction (i.e. if you're pressing left while going up you won't enter the secret path, but you can if you're pressing left while going down)

Great relaxing game, and even learnt about some new fish!

Thanks, I finally got there, but frustratingly, I tried on my first play through and instead of something new it restarted the game for me! Had to switch browsers for it to work.

Could you give a hint to where it is please? Feel like I've been everywhere but can't find anything

Great game, can't wait for the full Steam game!

You need to fully investigate that area

One of the mazes down the well allows you to go out of bounds

Less of a room, more of a path

I found a secret sign! Unfortunately the prize was something I already have a lot of

Good game - good amount of challenge without feeling too unfair. Feel like the dash could maybe do with some animation rather than an instant jump to help with landing afterwards as that could sometimes get frustrating. Overall very enjoyable

It's in one of the buildings, and it is up!

Great game - very tough, but never felt unfair, especially as the player control was spot on.  Getting the true ending nearly drove me insane but glad I persisted

Sorry about the last comment - got my lefts and rights mixed up! Sorted it now

(1 edit)

There's a block you ride to the right - wonder what would happen if you managed to get it to go left instead?

Thanks! It was your comment on the latest Cursed Travels game that made me go searching for it (another excellent game as well) - now wondering if it's worth going through the Temple of the 4 Serpents for one...

Excellent game, just the right amount of difficulty and nostalgic charm - also managed to find the secret room!