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A member registered 97 days ago

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Downloaded the game via Steam.

I do have to say, I really like the game both visually and so far how it plays however:

It is a controller based game (you have to use one it seems thankfully i have a xbox controller lying around) and some of the controls are clunky, mainly the wall holding.

Basically you have the YBAX buttons, Up on the DPad, the two analog sticks (one for movement, one for panning) and LB (for map).

With the wall holding you have to hold down the left stick to "attach" onto the wall, this could be down to my inexperience with controllers, but this is really hard while also jumping and moving in a direction i.e. jumping from one wall section to another. I am not sure if there an issue with multiple inputs from a single source (i.e. me moving my stick to the left while also trying to hold it down) , the matter of Jumping blocks the input of holding onto the wall, or a serious case of skill issue (i assume this is the culprit)

There is also the case of "Respawning" - this currently costs nothing, I would assume some amount of your coins (or all) would drop to either be retrieved or lost to the pixels as such you can get yourself stuck in a sticky situation i.e. i struggled with wall climbing to get the ear ring but once i got it i just respawned and was fine

There are two things I would like to see (more of an And/Or than an And or Or tbh):

  • KMB Inputs
    • WASD Movement
      • well technically A and D
      • though W and S still be bound to Jump and Crouch as well
    • Space Jump
    • Ctrl Crouch (used for going down a level on platforms)
    • Q Potion
    • E Wall Climb
    • LMB attack
    • RMB roll
  • Separate input for wall holding - LT or RB/RT would work