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A member registered Aug 06, 2021

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e.g; I selected an input image, then deleted that input image from the program's folder. (using windows explorer)

then all the pictures I wanted to reprocess took hundreds of seconds, the program went into an infinite loop and the rendering was never finished. gpu usage is %1, cpu usage is %1. vram and ram is totally empty. 

You need to fix the coding. There are dozens of ways to put the program in an infinite loop. CPU and gpu usage stays at 1% during this process. this has nothing to do with the system specs, the codes are broken and there are infinite loops. 

By changing the input image/delete input image/ playing around with reload a bit, you can loop the program endlessly and then it won't fix. When you open it again, the result is the same. the program becomes useless.

nice effort but extremely buggy, need a hotfixes.

anyway thanks for effort.