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A member registered Apr 30, 2023

Recent community posts

Very nice update it a few fixable bugs, would prefer a way to just "pre-buy" the game since we don't know how many updates its going to have. I loved the new enemies, the game over scenes are just top notch and new pregnancy animations are welcome. Could make use of the corruption system and have some "domination" scenes with the enemies before or after defeat like the slime girl for example, either way it was good and hope for more content like this

Just find about this one after a while of trying to find a succesor of that old 2D pixel art game also with zombies (wink wink). And it's very good! Loving that part of the female zombie gameover transformation into one of them. Planing to adding some more enemies that can breed the main character and maybe clothing that resembles that one other blonde girl (wink)? Anyways nice game looking forward